Chapter 3:

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Jewels POV:

" You have been...quiet the whole ride Jewel, what is wrong? " Andréa asked as she angled Luca closer to Shadow.

We were just returning from our workout-slash-trail ride. The trail we took was big, it snaked further into J.O.P.S 500 acre property, but broke up about halfway into multiple, smaller trails, much of which had natural jumping obstacles or just clear paths to gallop across. Even though the trail broke up, you ended up in the same place with whatever path you chose to take, a creek. Shadows legs were soaked from splashing around in the water, but it had washed away the sweat that had been caked on from jumping. I was glad that me and Andréa had decided to ride them bareback into the creek, otherwise the water probably would've ruined our girths, mine being a dark brown Ovation Belly Guard girth with brown straps and Andréa's being a lighter brown Henri De Rivel Contoured Leather girth with black and yellow straps and our boots would definitely be wet. I had Veredus Nero Carbon Gel Open Front boots on Shadow and Andréa had put Mattes Custom Couture Sheepskin Front boots on Luca and we had both put on matching Veredus Carbon Shield bell boots.

I sighed as I stroked Shadows black mane. " I just can't believe mom and dad are dumping four riders on us and expecting us to become a ' Team ' in 2 and a half months " I told her.

" Ah, Oui, the new riders are coming tomorrow afternoon I believe " She replied, giving Luca rein. The gelding broke into a smooth looking trot as soon as Andréa signalled him to.

I tapped Shadows sides with my boots and he moved into a trot, catching up with Luca in seconds.

" Ya, mom and dad are going crazy getting the barn and house ready for their arrival. I don't even want to look at them right now, so I was happy to get away and go trail riding with you and Luca " I told her.

" You must understand Jewel, your parents do not mean to upset you or Skylar. The Summer Finale is a big show, and a lot of pressure is put on you two every year because you both are the only J.O.P.S representatives there are " Andréa told me, but I wasn't in the mood to hear it and pushed Shadow into a faster, almost cantering trot.

" Okay, so if they don't want to pressure us, why dump us with four new riders who we have to become a team with before the Summer Finale? " I replied, about to look back at her, but she and Luca were already beside us.

" Have I ever told you about the time one member of our Olympic team got hurt? " She asked.

I shook my head.

Andréa slowed Luca to a walk and I did the same with Shadow. She smiled and stared ahead, as if she was seeing the story take place in front of her. " Our teammate Stephan, was taking a course early one morning, a month before the Olympics. His horse suddenly refused a jump at the last possible second. Stephan was badly hurt from falling off and landing on the other side of the jump and had to leave the team to recover. Without him, we did not have enough people to qualify, but another rider was put on the team last minute. We all had to find a way to work together and become the team we had been with Stephan, in one month " she explained.

I pulled on the reins, stopping Shadow from trying to take a bite of grass. " One month? Did you manage to do it? " I asked.

Andréa laughed. " If we had not, I would not have the two gold medals hanging on the wall of my room today " she replied.

I sighed. " Andréa, this is so different! You're professionals! We're just teens " I told her.

" Oui, you are teenagers, but you are also equestrians, professionals at heart. You may not know them, but you already have something in common with them. You all love riding and horses " She told me.

J.O.P. Stable: The Twin Saga (Book 1: The Summer Finale)Where stories live. Discover now