Chapter 28:

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Jewel's POV:

First day as Champions!

And it felt great!

Turns out we had just beaten the B.C team by one point.

But it still count as beating them!

And if that wasn't enough, Shadow and I had won best show jumper jumper, Sky had won best cross country rider and Payton had won best Dressage rider. It made the victory all the better.

Our team had woken up early Sunday morning to go on a trail ride before parents and trailers showed up. The girls had packed up everything except for their trail riding gear. Oddly enough the trail ride had been suggested by Sky, which made me proud of my sister.

We were currently on top of the highest hill in the back fields, which J.O.P.S was planning to turn into a new cross-country course soon, but for now it was the perfect scene to watch the sun rise.

I smiled as I looked around at everyone, melded into conversation. When the others first got here, we could barely say anything to each other that didn't end in sarcasm or a threat, now we were laughing and joking around.

Then there was our horses. Onyx and Shadow, not used to sharing their practises so frequently with other horses, had actually been the ones to bond us all together. I smiled down at my handsome horse and rubbed his neck. He sighed in content staring out over the distance.

Finally, there was my relationship with Sky. We went from arguing constantly to being on the same side to intimidate the others off our turf to not speaking and then to being actual twin sisters that were there for each other.

" I'm going to miss you all so much " I suddenly spoke up, looking at each of my teammates. " When you leave I'm going to be stuck be Sky AND going back to school " teased.

" Hey! I'm the one thats gotta suffer! Kendall doesn't get back until the day before school! and she won't even be coming to get Gypsy until after the first day of school! We won't have time to hang out until school starts! At least all your friends are coming back later today " She teased back, sticking her tongue out at me.

We all laughed.

" I wish we all lived closer " Blaire told us.

" Ya, I'm going to hate going back home and not having the chance to visit until next summer! " Payton replied, playing with Jazz's reins.

We all knew she was uncomfortable about going back to her neglectful parents home.

" But the good news is we can video chat and group text everyday! " Caitlyn replied, the rest of us nodding.

Payton smiled, her tense body now relaxing in the saddle. She flipped her dirty blonde french braid over her shoulder from underneath her helmet. " I mean, I'm going to have to check my schedule, my dad said he'd give me a break for my good Dressage performance and the fact that we won the summer finale, but after about a week he'll be back to his ' You better be good or so help me ' attitude " she replied, laughing slightly.

Marlo looped a friendly arm through Paytons. " Oh no you don't, no going back to old Payton until your back home! " she teased.

" Ha Ha Ha " Payton replied, deadpanned. " Very funny "

We all giggled and I shielded my eyes from the rising sun.

" Its so pretty here " Caitlyn told Sky and I. " Great idea deciding to come up here before we left " she told Sky, patting her sleepy geldings neck. " Jackson needed a stretch before the long ride home "

" Ya, but let me guess, its a quick cross run after this for you and Onyx? " I said, only half teasing.

Sky shook her head. " Nope, then its out to the paddock for him, I have a promise to keep "

I gave her an amused smile, surprised and happy she wasn't going to work Onyx today. Now it was Sky's and my turn to run around and get ready for school while the horses took a well deserved break. " What promise? " I asked.

Sky shared a look with Payton and Marlo before the three of them bursted into laughter, while Blaire, Caitlyn and I looked at them like they were crazy.

" What? " Blaire asked.

" Its a long story " They all replied in unison.

Caitlyn phone suddenly chimed, but before she could grab it, Payton swiped the phone out of her hand.

" ...Ooh! Who's Blake? " She asked.

Caitlyn turned red and this time, Blaire and I laughed while Payton, Marlo and Sky looked at us weirdly.

" What? " Sky asked.

" Its a long story " Blaire and I replied.

We all broke out into laughter until all of our phones went off at once.

" It's mom and dad, your rides are here " I told the other as Sky nodded.

" I got the same message " She replied.

" Ya, I just got a text from Macy, my coach, saying that she's here " Blaire told us.

" Same "

" Yep "

" Unfortunately "

" Well, I guess we better get back then... " I replied sadly as I circled Shadow and started him back down the hill at a slow walk.

" No way, we're not being that boring on our last ride " I heard Sky say behind me.

Suddenly Onyx, Flicka, Jazz, Marco and Jackson galloped past Shadow and I. Shadow raised his head, ears perked up. Now he was awake.

" Race ya! " Sky called back to me.

" Hey no fair! You guys got a head start! " I called back before Shadow broke out into a gallop, kicking up grass as he chased after them.

We all laughed and raced the rest of the way back to the stable.

Even though it was the end of the summer, I felt as though it was only the beginning of a new chapter in my life, and Sky's, considering how much we seemed to have changed our ways, both in riding and personality. And now that we had the Summer Finale champions title under our belts, I think this was also a new chapter in our riding careers.

I think I heard Sky taking about entering a Puissance jumping competition.....

After all, at J.O.P. Stable, anything seemed possible!

The End?

J.O.P. Stable: The Twin Saga (Book 1: The Summer Finale)Where stories live. Discover now