2 ~ I'm living with WHO?!

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Neji: ...Enjel does not own Naruto...She only owns her OC Melanie/Yuuki...

Enjel: Sadly...

Tenten: The privilege of Naruto goes to Masashi Kishimoto only!

Guy: Enjoy the story!!!


Since Guy was running so fast, we arrived at the building in no time at all.

However, I am very dizzy now.

I put my hand to the wall to stabilize myself, and catch my breath.

I then quickly walk in, wanting to get this over with so I can start as the academy and graduate with Naruto.

I am walking very fast, so Guy is speed walking to catch up with me.

I arrive at the Hokage's door, and instead of knocking, like I should, I sense that there is only one chakra source in the room somehow, and walk right in.

The Hokage looks up, surprised, and I smile at him.

"Oh? Who are you?" He asks, smiling a little.

"My name is..." I start, but then think really quickly, should I use my real name, or make one up? I decide to make one up.

"My name is Yuuki Saito." I say. I don't know why I chose that name, it just sort of felt right.

"Yuuki Saito, huh?" Says the old man. Seems he knows something I don't, "Why are you here?" He asks.

I try to answer really quickly, before Guy catches up.

"I an a traveler, and decided to stay here for a bit, I just need permission from you to stay here, and need some help with my living arrangements." I explain, continuing with my lie from earlier.

The old man smiles, "I see." He says.

'Damnit.' I think, 'What is it he knows that I don't?!'

"So?" I ask, "Can I stay here?"

"Of course!" He says, than starts to laugh as Guy comes rushing in finally.

"Took you long enough." I tease him, knowing full well that I left him far behind, "Now, about those living arrangements, gramps." I say, turning back to the old man.

He smiles, "Right. I have the perfect person who I can have look after you while you stay here." He says.

He than calls for an anbu and whispers something in his ear. The anbu leaves, and seconds after, certain, lazy Jonin is in the room with us.

He has a mask over most of his face, so I can't see much, but that mask tells me exactly who it is. I try to keep calm and not jump on him, but it is really hard.

The man turns around and smiles a close-eye smile at me, "Hello."

"H-hi..." I say, still recovering from the fact that one of my all time favorite characters is standing in front of me.

"You will be staying with him for the time being, Yuuki." Says gramps, smiling a little.

"Alright, gramps!" I say, my smile widening.

"Kakashi, this is Yuuki. Yuuki, this is Kakashi." Says the old man.

"Pleasure to meet you, Yuuki." Says Kakashi, smiling his famous close-eye smile.

"P-pleasure to meet you as w-well, Kakashi." I say, bursting with excitement.

Author: Yay! The second chapter is here!

Tenten: We hope that you liked it!

Kakashi: Don't forget to comment and vote.

Enjel, OUT!

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