9 ~ Team 7 Assembles! (Part one)

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Enjel: Yes I know the photoshop is rlly bad...I'm sorry...

Kiba: No it's not! I think it looks great!

Sakura: Yeah! Sasuke's so handsome in that picture!

Enjel: 😓

Sasuke: . . .

Enjel: Anyway, I do not own Naruto! That right belongs to Masashi Kishimoto!

Kiba: Enjoy the chapter!


I wake up and quickly get dressed.

'Today's the day! Today we get put in out teams!'

I run to Kakashi's room, only to find him sleeping still.

Let's see, I have 20 minutes until I have to leave for the Academy if I want to get there on time, and waking up Kakashi will take about 5 minutes or so, then I have to have around 15 minutes to make breakfast and eat it.

So if I do all that, I'll have to rush to the academy quickly to be there on time...

Aww who cares?! I can do it!!!

I slam open Kakashi's door, and jump on top of him, screaming, "WAKE UP KAKA-BAKA!!! IT'S TIME TO GET UP!!!"

Kakashi jumps up, and screams.

I laugh and roll around on the floor, his face is priceless!

"Yuuki?! Why'd you do that...? I'm still tired..."

"Well, Kaka-Baka, we are put in our genin teams today, and I know for a fact that you are getting one, so you should get up! Also, I am going to make breakfast, so I expect you to be down in the next seven minutes, no later, kay?!" I say, smiling at him like I'm daring him to say no and see what happens.

He sweat-drops,  "Alright, Yuuki..."

"Good!" I say, skipping out of his room and heading to the kitchen.

Kakashi and I don't live in a particularly large house. It is small and comfortable, only one story high, so the bedrooms are on the same floor as the kitchen and the entrance.

To sum it up, I think it's cozy, and I like it!

I start making pancakes, and finish just when Kakashi walks in.

"Good, you're here! I was about to run to your room and drag you here by force!"

Kakashi sweat-drops, and sits down at the table when I tell him too.

I set the pancakes down in front of him and another chair, "Eat up!" I say in a cheerful voice.

We soon finish our pancakes, and put both of our plates in the sink.

"All right Kaka-Baka! I'm going to the Academy now! See you later!" I yell as I run out the door, my longish hair flowing behind me, because I forgot to put it up.

When I arrive at the school, I see that I made it just in time, as some people are still walking in.

I quickly run to class, and plop down in the first open spot I see.

I look to my left, and see that I'm sitting next to Kiba!

I decide to introduce myself.

"Hello, I don't believe I've introduced myself yet! My name's Yuuki Saito! What's yours?" Of course I already know who he is, but he doesn't need to know that...

"My name's Kiba Inuzuka! And this is Akamaru!" He says, smiling widely at me.

God, he's even cuter in person! No...gotta...keep the...fangirling...inside... must...resist...cuteness!

"Nice to meet you Kiba and Akamaru!" I say, smiling back, "You wanna be friends?!"  I ask him.

"Yeah! That would be cool!" Says Kiba, and Akamaru barks, then snuggles between Kiba and I on the seat.

"Awww, he's so cute!" I say to Kiba, looking at Akamaru.

"Yeah! He's my best friend!"

Then Iruka walks into the room.

"Alright everyone, take a seat and quiet down. I'll now be announcing the teams."

I can't wait! I wonder what team I'll be on!


Kiba: And that was chapter 9!

Enjel: We hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Akamaru: Woof! Don't forget to comment and vote!!!

Enjel: Luv ya!

Enjel, OUT!

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