3 ~ The Academy (Part one)

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Naruto: Enjel does not own Naruto!

Enjel: Sadly...That right only belongs to Masashi Kishimoto! I only own my OC, Melanie/Yuuki!

Naruto and Enjel: Enjoy the chapter!!!


I am so excited I can barely contain my excitement!!! I am going to live with Kakashi!

I suddenly remember something.

"Hey, Gramps!" I say, slamming my hands down on his desk, "While I'm here, can I attend the last two days of this year's graduating academy class, and become a genin? Pleeeaaaase?"

"Well, I don't see why not.  You can become a genin only if you pass the final exams though." Says the Hokage.

'Yup! Already know what I'm gonna do about that!' I think cheerfully.

"Thank you so much, Gramps!!!" I yell, than I grab Kakashi's hand and say, "Lead the way to your house, Kakashi!"

I swear I can hear him chuckle a little, while he leads me out of the room, and on to the streets.

After a bit of walking, he says, "You sure know how to get what you want."

"Yup!" I say, skipping slightly.

After walking a bit more, I notice the library, and ask, "Can I go in and grab a book real quick?"

"Alright, just be fast."

"Thanks!" I yell, as I run into the building.

After getting all the books on ninjutsu and the clone jutsu I can find, I stuff them all in my pack, and walk out.

"Alright!" I say, grabbing his hand again, "Let's continue!"


When we arrive at his house, he unlocks the door, and walks in. I walk in after him, and he directs me to my room. I put all my stuff down on a table, then immediately fall asleep, tired as hell.


In the morning, I wake up to Kakashi shaking me awake.

"Get up. You'll be late four the academy." Is all he says, before leaving to go downstairs.

I get dressed, get all ready, and walk down the stairs.

I see Kakashi finishing up making pancakes, and I sit down at the table.

I start to eat after he sets them down, and they are really good!

After eating I say goodbye to him, grab my pack with my notebook, pencil, and pen in it, then head off to the academy.

If my knowledge is correct, today should be the day Naruto paints on the stone faces.


I arrive at school first, and decide to practice my jutsus.

I start off with my transformation jutsu, in which I turn into Kakashi, than gramps, than Iruka.

Got that down.

The morning practice really helped!

After that, I start practicing the shadow clone jutsu.

I can do a clone jutsu just fine, but now want to try the shadow clone jutsu.

Every time I try though, It doesn't seem to work. All that happens is it gets slightly dark, then brightens up again.

I suddenly feel the urge to try something new. Something that hasn't been invented in Naruto.

"Demon shadow jutsu!" I whisper cry, and pour all my chakra into the jutsu.

Suddenly, one clone if me appears, but it has fangs and its eyes are red.

I hear the other students start to arrive, so I undo the jutsu and walk inside, still wondering how I formed that jutsu, if it doesn't exist.


Enjel: That's the end of part one!!!

Kakashi: We hope you liked it!

Naruto: Please don't forget to comment and vote!

Enjel: Luv you all!

Enjel, OUT!

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