5 ~ The Final Exams (Part one)

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Sasuke: Enjel does not own Naruto.

Naruto: Masashi Kishimoto does, ya know?!

Enjel: I only own my OC, Melanie/Yuuki!

Sakura: Enjoy the chapter!!!


It's the morning of the final exams, and I'm really nervous.

I have perfected the clone jutsu, so I know I'll pass, but now I just need to make sure that I get into a team with Naruto, after he passes.

I walk downstairs and grab a quick breakfast, than I run out the door, saying bye to Kakashi, and heading to the academy.

When I arrive, I am right on time, and I go and sit next to Naruto.

"Hey, Naruto!" I say cheerfully.

"Oh! Hey, Yuuki!"

I can see that he is kind of nervous, so I say to him, "Don't worry! I know you'll graduate!"

Notice how I don't say pass, I say graduate.

"Alright!" Says Naruto, excited again, "I'm gonna pass and be the greatest Hokage, ya know!"

I laugh, "Yup! Then we can become ninja's together, and I can help you achieve your dream!"

"Believe it!"

Then, Sakura and Ino barge into the room, and I fangirl in my head - Naruto and Sasuke are going to kiss soon!

Sakura looks over at Sasuke, and smiles.

I see Naruto look happy, and I feel bad for him.

Sakura runs over and Naruto says, "Hey Sakura! Do you want to-" he is thrown to the side by Sakura.

"Move, Naruto!" Yells Sakura, then she smiles sweetly at Sasuke, "Hey Sasuke, since I got in here first, can I sit next to you?"

"Uh, uh!" Said Ino, rushing over as well, "I clearly got in the room before you! So I should sit next to Sasuke!"

Then all the fangirls start arguing over who should get to sit next to Sasuke.

I then see Naruto on the desk in front of Sasuke, and he is squinting his eyes and is only an inch away from his face.

"Naruto! Stop glaring at Sasuke!" Yells Sakura.

I snicker as I see the boy behind Naruto move, and bump him.

Naruto falls forward, and suddenly they are kissing!

All the fangirls start fuming and cracking their knuckles, and I am internally laughing my head off.

It was good on the show, but it's even better in real life!

I see Naruto and Sasuke start spitting out the germs, and Naruto's head goes up, sensing danger.

I guess I should stop them.

I walk over to Naruto before they can start pummeling him, and spread out my arms.

"Come on, It's not his fault. The guy behind him pushed him. So lets not take it out on Naruto. Okay?"

The girls get a little confused, and I sit down next to Sasuke, still leaving a good amount of space between us, though.

I pat the spot next to Sasuke, and say, "Sakura, sit down over here, and don't kill Naruto please."

Sakura happily sits down, and the other girls reluctantly find a seat.

Naruto sits down on the outside of the desk, and Iruka walks in.

"Alright, we'll be starting with the exams now.  When I call your name, please proceed to the testing room."

I tune him out, until I hear him come in and call my name, "Yuuki Saito."

I stand up and walk out of the classroom, going to an empty one right next door.

I enter the classroom and see Iruka and Mizuki sitting at the front with the headbands on the table in front of them.

Mizuki smiles at me, "Alright, Yuuki. Show us what you can do!"


Enjel: And that's chapter 5!

Sakura: We hope you enjoyed!!!

Sasuke: Don't forget to comment and vote on the chapter!

Enjel: Luv ya!

Enjel, OUT!

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