8 ~ The Scroll of Sealing (Part two)

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Naruto: Enjel doesn't own Naruto!

Enjel: Masashi Kishimoto does! I only own my OC Melanie/Yuuki!

Iruka: Enjoy!


"Heh heh heh! Found me pretty quick, Iruka-Sensei! I only had time to learn one jutsu!" Naruto says, scratching the back of his head.

"What...?" Iruka asks, confused.

Wow, this is great! I get to see one of my favorite parts of Naruto in person!

Whoops! I zoned out too much I guess. Here comes Mizuki!

"Well, it looks like you found our hiding place." Says Mizuki, smirking.

I then listen to him continue talking about stuff, then I hear Iruka say, "No Mizuki! Don't tell him!"

Yes! This is the best part!

"What is it?! What can't everyone tell me?!" Naruto growls.

Here it comes!

"The truth is..."

"No, Mizuki!"

"...the Nine-Tailed Fox is inside you, Naruto!"

Yesssssss!!! That was great!

"What...no...it can't be..." says Naruto, so confused.

"Now DIE!!!" Yells Mizuki, throwing the shuriken at Naruto.

I can't just stand here and watch Iruka get hurt. That's it. I'm not going to just stand by and watch people get hurt when I can save them! I am going to be strong!

"Naruto get down!" Yells Iruka, preparing to jump over him.

But before Iruka can move, I push Naruto to the ground and protect him with my body.

The shuriken implants itself into my back, and it hurts like hell.

Naruto stares at me in horror, and Iruka stares at me in betrayal.

I know I broke my promise Iruka...but I can't stand seeing everyone get hurt...

"Yuuki...why...?" Asks Naruto in complete shock.

I guess I'm Iruka now. Haha. This hurts...

I stand up slowly, and pull the suriken out of my back, "Because, Naruto..." I start, holding the shuriken in my hand, "I can't just stand by and let people get hurt if I can help them. I bet Iruka would've done the same thing." I finish.

I then throw the shuriken at Mizuki weakly, and fall down to the ground, pretending to be majorly hurt.

Naruto runs off with the scroll, and Mizuki runs after him.

I stand up.

"Iruka. Go do what you need to do." I say, knowing that he knows what I mean.

"Alright..." he says reluctantly, running off and turning into Naruto.

Good, everything is back on track!

I run through the trees, hoping to catch up to Iruka and Muzuki.

I soon see 'Naruto' punch 'Iruka', and I jump over to where he landed, still staying in the trees.

They talk for a bit, until I hear Mizuki get punched again.


"If you ever lay a hand on my sensei...I'll kill you!!!" Naruto sort of growls.

Yes! Go Naruto!

"Hah! Show me what you can do Nine-Tailed Fox!" Mizuki yells.

Oh you asked for it, Mizuki!

"Multi shadow clone jutsu!!!" Yells Naruto, hundreds and hundreds of clones of appearing everywhere.

Mizuki gets all scared, and starts to back up.

Before he can even try to escape, Naruto jumps on him, with all his other clones, and starts to beat him up.

After that, Naruto looks at Iruka and scratches the back of his head.

"Guess I got a little carried away, heh heh!" Says Naruto, smiling like an idiot.

"Hey Naruto, come over here for a second."

Yes!!! Here it comes!

"Can I open my eyes now, Iruka-Sensei?"

"Almost...alright, you can open them now!"

Naruto opens his eyes, and looks at Iruka.

"Congratulations, you pass!"

There is silence for a second, then...

"Iruka-Sensei!!!" Yells Naruto, jumping on him.

That's all I need to be here for.

I give Iruka a smile, and jump back to Kakashi's house.

When I arrive, I run straight to bed, not caring if I wake up Kakashi.

I can't wait 'till tomorrow!!!


Iruka: We hope you enjoyed the 8th chapter!

Naruto: Don't forget to comment and vote on the chapter! It would make Enjel very happy!

Enjel: Luv ya!

Enjel, OUT!

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