12 ~ Team 7 Assembles! (Part four)

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Kakashi: Enjel doesn't own Naruto. That right belongs to Masashi Kishimoto only.

Yuuki: She only owns me!!!

Enjel: Enjoy!


"Awww, come on Kaka-Baka! You just met us! That's not fair..." I say, slightly whining.

Kakashi sweat-drops, the says, "Alright, meet me up on the roof, we will introduce ourselves when we all arrive." He then poofs away, leaving us to walk up by ourselves.

"Hey, why did you call him Kaka-Baka?" Asks Sasuke, as we are climbing the stairs.

"Well, I know him, and that is a nickname I've given him just so he gets annoyed." I explain, laughing a little.

"Alright...?" He responds, still a little confused.

I laugh, then say, "Last person to get to the roof is a rotten egg!"

I start running, as I hear them complaining, then they quickly follow after me.

I am in the lead the whole time, and arrive at the roof first.

Then Sasuke comes to a stop next to me very close behind. After him is Naruto, who crashes into Sasuke, and they fall onto the ground.

Naruto gets up right before Sakura arrives, and breathes a sigh of relief.

I reach a hand out for Sasuke to take, and he completely ignores it, standing up, and walking over to the area where Naruto and Sakura are sitting down.

I chuckle, then walk over and sit down in between Sasuke and Naruto, ignoring the glares I'm getting from Sakura.

"Alright. We are all going to introduce ourselves so we can get to know each other better." Says Kakashi, not explaining how it works.

"What are we supposed to say?" Asks Sakura.

"Umm...Things like your name, what you like and dislike, your hobbies, and dreams for the future."

"Why don't you go first, sensei, so we can know how to do it!" Says Naruto.

"Me?" Asks Kakashi.

"Yes you! You are the only sensei here!" I say, exasperated.

"Alright. My name is Kakashi Hatake. Things I like, things I hate...I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future...never really thought about it. As for my hobbies, I have lots of hobbies."

"Yeah! Like reading those books you call masterpieces!" I say, and Kakashi glares at me.

"What books?" Asks Naruto, confused.

"Oh, nothing." Says Kakashi, trying to push it aside.

"Yup! Nothing except for the fact that they're a special kind of book called Make-out Paradise, made by the one and only Jiriaya." I say, annoying Kakashi even more.

"Lets move on now, okay?" Asks Kakashi.

"Fine..." I say, pouting.

"Alright, you go first." He says, pointing to Naruto.

"My name's Naruto Uzumaki!" Says Naruto, and I tune out what he says, since I've already heard it a million times.

Then I hear Sakura start.

"My name is Sakura Haruno! What I like, I mean the person I like...*giggles* My hobbies are...*giggles and squeals* my dreams for the future...*High pitched squeal* *looks at Sasuke*"

"And...what do you hate?" Asks Kakashi.


Naruto starts anime crying, and I put my hand on his shoulder, comforting him.

"Here Kaka-Baka. Let me clear that mess of giggles up for you guys!"

Kakashi sweat-drops, and I smirk.

"My name is Sakura Haruno! I really love Sasuke! My hobbies are stalking Sasuke, and trying to get him to notice me! My dream for the future is to marry Sasuke, and have lots of kids!!! Oh, also I don't like Naruto!" I say in a very high pitched voice.

Sakura glares at me, and Naruto starts laughing.

"Alright...thank you, Yuuki. You can sit down now."


I sit down, and tune out Sasuke. He's boring.

"Alright Yuuki, your turn."

"Alright! My name is Yuuki Saito. I like ramen, my best friends Kiba and Akamaru, and I really like my dad! I don't like self centered people, annoying people, and waking up early. My hobbies are...hmmm...annoying people, playing pranks on people, and training! My dream for the future is to become very strong, using my own power, and using it to protect the people I love."

Kakashi's eyes seem to widen a bit when I say that I love my dad, and I smile at him.

"Alright, thank you. Now we will be having our first mission tomorrow." Says Kakashi, and I tune everything out, 'cause I've already heard it, (and the chapter is getting kinda long. - Enjel)

Kakashi disappears into smoke, and I walk over to the edge of the roof, and jump off, traveling across rooftops to go home and see my dad!


Enjel: We hope you enjoyed chapter 12! It was slightly longer than the others. XD

Kakashi: She called me dad...!

Yuuki: •///• Yeah, so what...?!

Kakashi: I'm so happy!

Yuuki: Uhh...Don't forget to vote and comment on the chapter!

Enjel: Luv ya!

Enjel, OUT!

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