7 ~ The Scroll of Sealing (Part one)

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Mizuki: Enjel doesn't own Naruto. She only owns her OC Melanie/Yuuki.

Naruto: Naruto is owned by Masashi Kishimoto, ya know!

Enjel: Enjoy!


"It's okay, Naruto! I'm sure something good will happen in...lets see...the next 14 hours about?" I say, obviously referring to Mizuki and the scroll, and how he becomes a genin.

Naruto gives me a sad smile, and hugs me. It seems like he doesn't want to let go...

Then I see Mizuki looking at Naruto and narrowing his eyes at me.

I quickly stop hugging Naruto, and hear the women calling Naruto a monster.

To keep the plot moving a little, I tell Naruto, "Excuse me, I have something I have to do. Feel free to head back to your house or do whatever!" Then I walk up to the women, and start lecturing them on how Naruto is not a monster, giving Mizuki to do his little speech.

After my lecture, I look over at the swing to see Naruto already gone.

'Good.' I think as I run off to find Iruka, he should be close to finding Naruto now.

I soon spot Iruka entering the forest, and run up to him.

"Iruka-Sensei!" I yell, startling him.

"Huh? Yuuki? What are you doing here?" He asks surprised.

"I want to help find Naruto! I think I might know where he is!" I say, looking him straight in the eye.

"What? How would-" he starts, but I cut him off.

"Don't question it, and follow me. I promise I'll stay out of any fighting, but I need to be there." I say, putting emphasis on need.

"Fine...but stay out of it after we find him, alright?" Iruka asks.

"Got it." I say with determination in my eyes.

I then take off, somehow sensing Naruto's chakra, like I did with the Hokage's before.

We run through the forest, and I can feel Iruka's gaze on the back of my head, trying to penetrate my mind.

Or something like that...

Anyway, I can tell he is confused, and wants to know how I know where Naruto is.

But the thing is...I don't even know myself.

I can just kind of feel it.

Ya know?

I really want to find out why I can sense chakra, even though I just learned how to control it about two days or so ago.

But I guess I'll have to wait.

We arrive at the spot where Naruto is, and I quickly jump onto a nearby tree branch, that's high enough so I won't be seen, but low enough so I can still see them.

I see Iruka look around, then realize that I 'left' already.

He seems relieved, then walks out into the open where Natuto can see him.

"Naruto!" Shouts Iruka, staring at Naruto.

Naruto looks up, and sees Iruka.

I notice how he looks even more worn out and beat up than he does in the show.

"It's all over." Says Iruka, looking at Naruto angrily.

I giggle quietly...

This is one of my favorite parts!

I can't wait!


Enjel: It's now chapter 7!

Naruto: Don't forget to comment and vote on this chapter!

Iruka: We hope you enjoyed!

Enjel: Luv ya!

Enjel, OUT!

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