[ n i g h t d r i v e - 1 ]

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Craig watched hopelessly from the corner, as he watched Tyler talk to this busty girl.
Her face was caked, and she obviously has implants. She wasn't even that pretty.
"What's up, Craig?" Brian asked, noticing Craig's wondering eyes. "Oh. Not much. Just— I'm thinking? Really not much." Craig found it hard to lie, especially to Brian. "Well, Uh, I'm gonna use the restroom, don't go and hurt yourself." Brian patted his shoulder. Brian and Craig were assigned 'Sober Duty,' to make sure the others got home safely. Craig was fine being sober, enjoying the funny drunken state of his friends.

Craig walked around, trying to keep tabs on the others, finding them in common patterns through out the bar. Evan and Marcel were usually in the booths with Brock or Brian, while Tyler and Anthony were mostly at the bar, or standing near the others. David and Lui were a mess, and seemed to always be moving.

He looked at the time, and yawned. "Hey, Brian!" Craig called, catching Brian's attention. "Yeah, What's up?" He smiled. "I think I am about to head out. Who's wasted, and needs to come with me?" Craig asked. "Um, Marcel and Brock seem barely buzzed, I can't see Anthony or Tyler, Um..." Brian stood to look around for the rest of the guys, "Oh, David and Lui are at the, uh, the Bar." Craig sighed, looking for Anthony or Tyler. "No one seems trashed." Brian shrugged, "But, I don't know about Tyler or Anthony, where ever the hell they are."

Craig wandered some more, trying to find the other two, when an idea dawned on him. "Do you think he went home with that girl?" Craig asked Brian, but honestly more to himself. "Mm, Tyler may seem like a Fuck Boy, but I don't think he would go home with an almost to complete Stranger. Especially on this side of town." Brian told Craig, reassuring he was somewhere.

"Hey, Look, It's Anthony." Brian pointed to Anthony showing off his chins at the booth. "Then where's Tyler?" Craig asked, as they got closer. "No luck on Tyler?" Evan asked Brian, and Craig. "Nope, not unless Anthony knows." Brian glanced towards the very drunk man. "Wha-- Tyler's in, uh, in the, uh, Toilet Area." Anthony nodded drunkenly. "Craig, would you be a doll, and make sure Tyler's drink wasn't poisoned, and he's not dead?" Brian asked, in a disturbingly cheery voice. "Um, Okay," Craig nodded, walking towards the men's restroom.

Craig opened the door, seeing  Tyler sitting against the wall, he was close to passing out on the bathroom floor. His eyes were droopy, and his voice was low and slurred. "Hey, Craig," Tyler said softly, "What're you doing in here?" Tyler leaned his head back, closing his eyes. "Coming to take you home." Craig said, walking closer. Tyler smiled, humming, "Wow, That's nice of you."

Craig lifted Tyler up, and leaned him against his shoulder. Craig was barely shorter than him, but Tyler was still a lot heavier. "Come on, Move your legs." Craig hissed, when Tyler stopped moving. "Brian! Can you help?" Craig asked, passing by the table. "Holy shit, I've never seen him this... Wasted. That girl must've been really hard to impress." Brian huffed, trying to keep Tyler on his feet.

They finally made it to the street, where Craig had parallel parked his car. They shoved Tyler in the front seat, where Craig could monitor him. "Anyone else need a ride?" Craig asked Brian, once more. "I'll go see if anyone does." Brian nodded, walking back inside, quickly.

They sat in silence, Craig waiting for Brian, and Tyler staring off into space. Tyler got comfortable, leaning the chair back, and turning to his side, facing the window. Craig sighed, getting bored. "Hey, Tyler. What was up with that girl?" Craig asked, out of the blue. "Hm? Not much, she was only talking to me thinking she was gonna get some. Probably shouldn't have lead her on, but..." Tyler trailed, in an almost unconscious state.

Brian came out again, with Evan, who didn't really seem too drunk. "Evan say's he doesn't want to end up like Tyler," Brian chuckled, as Evan walked out towards the car. Brian opened the Door for him, as Evan climbed into the back. "Thanks for the ride, and everything." Evan nodded. "No Problem-o." Craig smiled, glancing in the rear view mirror at Evan. "Well, Catch you later, Brian." Craig looked towards Brian, who was poking Tyler to make sure he was alive. "Oh, See you." Brian waved, as Craig pulled off.

Craig had some chill music on, as he commuted down the highway, checking on the sleeping Tyler, and Evan. Craig started to hum to the song, as he drove on the dark road. The headlights of passing cars made Tyler groan, probably not feeling too well. Tyler sat up, and looked around, sobering up, painfully. "Where in the hell-- Oh, Hey Craig." Tyler yawned, super nonchalant. "Hey, Tyler." Craig hummed simply. Tyler looked to the back, looking at Evan, then to the window and the passing cars. "We're dropping off Evan?" Tyler laid back down, to a more comfortable position. "Yeah, he isn't as drunk as you, but wanted a ride." Craig explained. "Oh." Tyler looked away from the window, and over to Craig. Craig had is eyes concentrated on the dark road. It was so dark, you could barely see six feet in front of you.

"Can we get food after we drop off Evan? Like something really greasy?" Tyler asked, closing his eyes against the annoying, and bright lights of cars. "Yeah, we aren't too far from Evan's." Craig nodded. "Can we get Chuck E. Cheese?" Tyler opened his eyes. "No, it's closed. Ty, it's like One Am." Craig snorted. "Whataburger is, like, the only thing open, right now." Craig suggested. "Fine, Fine." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"Evan, get up." Craig poked Evan's face. "I'm up," Evan waved his hand, trying to remove Craig's hand from his shoulder. "Evan," Craig repeated, shaking his arm. "Fine! Fine," Evan sat up sloppily, Craig helping him into his house, and into his bedroom. "Night, Evan." Craig waved, "Night." Evan mumbled, crawling into bed, with his clothes still on.

Craig locked up the house, so no one would bust in and murder Evan. Craig got back in the car, to find Tyler sitting up, resting his head on the cold window, looking out of it. "Tyler, What're doing?" Craig raised a brow. "Watching the leaves fall," Tyler mumbled, enjoying the cold weather. "Hm." Craig nodded, starting the car up again. "So, Whataburger?" Craig asked. "Yeah." Tyler mumbled.

The silence was comfortable, as they drove to the nearest Whataburger. They ordered their food, and parked in the parking lot. "One Milkshake and fry." Craig smiled, handing the food to Tyler. "Thanks. How much was it?" Tyler asked, trying to find his wallet. "No, No, stop. It's fine, just eat your damn food." Craig shook his head. "No, I can..." Tyler tried to assist, but Craig stopped him. "Eat your food, You look like you need it." Craig said softly, like a mother. "Fine." Tyler hissed.

Craig threw the trash into a garbage bin near the entrance of the Whataburger. He got back into the car, and took it out of park. "Ready to go home?" Craig asked Tyler. "No. I want... I don't wan'... I don't want too." Tyler mumbled, digging his head into the cushion of the seat. "Where do you wanna go, then?" Craig chuckled. "Some where no time ever passes, and there are infinite Whataburger's." Tyler opened his eyes. "Well, I can't bring you to a place like that, so any second choices?" Craig sighed. "Your Apartment. You have a comfy couch." Tyler hummed. "So, you just wanna crash on my couch, instead of your functioning bed?" Craig asked. "I don't... I like your apartment. Not the furniture, or the rooms... I like..." Tyler slurred off again, so Craig just pulled out of the parking lot, and drove to his apartment.

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