[ f r u s t r a t i n g - 10 ]

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"He's fucking lying to me." Tyler huffed. "Slow down, what's happening?" Marcel asked. "Craig... he lied to me about something, and it's bugging the hell out of me." Tyler calmed, but he still felt upset. "Why is that bothering you? What is he lying about?" Marcel said, a bit more interested. "He seems... he seems upset, and won't tell me why." Tyler mumbled, knowing he was going to get shit for admitting his concern. "You, Tyler, concerned to a point of panic... over Craig's well-being?" Marcel stifled a laugh. "You know what? Fuck you." Tyler hissed. "Now, now, Tyler. I get it, you two grew close, due to Craig having to watch you every time you get drunk." Marcel sighed. "Do you have any idea why he's so upset?" Tyler asked. "Oh, I know... but that's for you to figure out." Marcel shrugged. "What? Can't you tell me anything?" Tyler begged. "Damn, you really are freaking out. Well, um, it's about you, not bad, but it really is something you should hear from him." Marcel grew a more serious tone. "How do I get him to tell me then?" Tyler groaned. "Well, you could wait until he's ready, or pay me ten bucks to talk to him about it." Marcel offered. "I'm not giving you ten bucks," Tyler hissed. It grew silent for a moment, before Tyler mumbled quietly, "Five and you have a deal." He hissed.
"Pleasure doing business." Marcel snickered, before hanging up the phone.

"Hello?" Craig answered the phone. "Hey, Craig. How's it going?" Marcel hummed, "Oh, Marcel, good, you?" Craig replied. "I'm fine, but can we talk real quick?" Marcel asked. "Sure." Craig said. "Well, you know when you were suppose to tell Tyler you're worried about his sexual activities? I have a feeling you didn't do that." Marcel sighed. "I froze up! I don't want it to be awkward." Craig whined. "Just... Hey, invite him over, have more privacy, then at— Where did you two go?— Oh, Whataburger." Marcel suggested. "What if he gets mad? His sex life isn't really any of business anyways, right?" Craig stressed. "Listen, you aren't worried about his sex life, you're worried about the unusual behavior, which the constant girl hopping is a part of," Marcel groaned, "I mean... God, Craig, he's even more worried about you, Dumb ass!" Craig grew silent, Stuck on the last part. "He's worried? About me? Tyler? Worried?" Craig asked. "Yes, he's obviously freaked out that you lied to him about being okay. You're messing his emotions all up." Marcel was now a little frustrated, not seeing why they can't talk to each other face to face. "Now, I'm not a fucking walkie-talkie. I know he's free tonight, hit him up, and go over to house, and tell him you like him already." Marcel groaned. "I don't like him." Craig stated, bluntly. "Oh my God!" Marcel yelled in frustration. "I'm hanging up, so you can fucking call him." Marcel hissed, hanging up the phone abruptly. Craig sat on the couch, staring at the wall, his phone warm against his ear.
"I don't like him?" Craig thought aloud.

"That bitch owes me ten for that conversation." Marcel groaned.

I had to rewrite, and I really don't feel like rewriting word for word. 

I use to have a whole paragraph about a diff ship, but kind of decided against it.

Idk if I should include side ships, maybe one day.

Bye, mom

Unedited, because I'm done with this shit. I lost all my data, all the way back to May 21 2016. Kill me.

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