[ s l e e p - 6 ]

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Craig woke up to the pale ceiling staring back at him.
He sat up, glancing around his bed room. Craig stood up, the cold floor sending a chill up his spine. He walked into the empty living room, the clock reading four AM. Craig walked out to his balcony, ignoring the slight discomfort of the cold wind.
He sighed, not having the best view of the city, but it was still refreshing. The beauty he usually saw, covered in a blanket of darkness. He watched his cold breath disappear into the wind,
closing his eyes once more,
His brain numbing out.
"Sleep is for the weak." He mumbled to himself as he stood up, walking back inside.
He looked around his apartment, deciding to just clean up the small mess they'd left earlier, then head back to sleep.
Craig picked up all the trash, wiped down the coffee table of stains. He straightened the couch cushions, finding the remote they'd lost, placing it into the appropriate drawer.
He walked back to his bedroom, laying down once more, finally tired enough to head back to sleep. His brain wandered through different ideas, some more bizarre than the last.
He hummed the song stuck in his head, or laughed at something stupid Brian or Tyler had said earlier. Craig's brain was running circles around his head. Though, it came to a sudden halt when he thought about Tyler.
His brain slowly walked through memories.
Studying until three AM for some test, or just hanging around Craig's dorm room. The one fight they ever had, though Craig didn't remember what about, it was probably stupid. They never fought for a good reason.
Tyler cracked a bunch of eggs over Marcel for easter, and Craig ended up almost puking from laughing too hard.
Tyler adopting his dogs,
Craig basically living at his house, along with Evan, because of the dogs.
Memory after memory, stupid shits and giggles, and fun times.
Tyler trying to act like he didn't care, and trying to hide his smile.
Though he usually succeeded in hiding most emotions other than anger or being the cocky prick that he was, sometimes a smile will slip, and it would make Craig's day.

Craig woke up to the pale ceiling staring back at him.
He sat up, the light shining through the curtains hurting his eyes. Craig stood up, smiling for no good reason at all.
He sighed, falling back onto his bed, not wanting to get up just yet.


The Basic filler.

You're welcome.

I want to try to write a second book on the side, but I know what all two of you are thinking:
"Are you fucking stupid, won't that just make less time to update this unholy book?"
And Yes. Yes it will.

I have all the time in the world, I'm just your friendly local procrastinator.

But, I think it will help me get things out faster, actually.
Because my main reason I am procrastinating this book, is because I can't fucking think.

In the short time this book has been published, I've realized how to actually do shit, and I've also realized how shit this book is.

I don't want to give up on this book, and I think I could fix it, but I think writing another book will keep my mind flowing and not coming to a creative traffic jam.

So I am going to go start drafting an actually decent book,

And see where it goes.

It's prob going to be Minicat, because I want an actually decent Minicat fanfic before I move on.

Now that my A/N is longer than the actual fucking chapter,

bye Mom.

421 words in actual chapter,
1000000 in A/N.

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