[ f r i e s - 8 ]

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"So, what have you been up to?" Craig asked, sipping on a small coke. "Not much. So, what's wrong with you?" Tyler replied. "Hm?" Craig furrowed his brows. "I mean, why do you seem upset?" Tyler sighed.
"No, nothing's wrong." Craig went back to his coke. "Obviously, something is." Tyler retorted. "Why do you say that?" Craig asked. "Because you never go to Whataburger, unless somethings up, or we had finished studying," Tyler scoffed. "Or drunk." Craig added, Tyler nodded in agreement. "Yeah, so what's up." Tyler asked again. "The ceiling." Craig riposted. "Craig, I'm serious." Tyler huffed. "And I am too, the ceiling is 'up'." Craig reached and ate one of Tyler's fries. "It was just a random selection, I chose it because you like Whataburger." Craig shrugged. "I'll bug you about it later," Tyler now ate one of Craig's fries, "And now we're even."

Tyler tapped on the steering wheel, as Craig found something to play on the radio. "Oh, oh, play that one song that, um, it's like— I don't know, um." Tyler clicked his tongue.
"Um, do you know the lyrics or anything?" Craig asked. "Not really," Tyler huffed, "I got to pay attention to the road." Tyler was frustrated, knowing Craig would have liked the song, but he couldn't remember how to find it. "Do you know how current it is, like how popular?" Craig asked. "It's not that popular anymore, kind of died out last year."
"Do you know the beat?" Craig bit his lip. "It's like... Doo— no, that sounds stupid, um. Fuck." Tyler scowled. "Do you know anything else?" Craig clicked his tongue. "No." Tyler sighed hopelessly. "It'll probably come on if we turn on the radio or something." Craig shrugged, turning to a random station.

Craig was staring out the window, the sun slowly fading across the sea. "Wait, Tyler, my apartment– You missed the turn." Craig stated. "I know, just didn't feel like taking you home yet." Tyler said. "Where is my say in all this?" Craig couldn't help but smile, too. "Um, when do you ever have a say?" Tyler playfully jabbed Craig in the arm with his elbow. "Plus, you don't want to go home anyways. We still have to figure what's going on in your stupid head." Tyler winked. "Because there is totally something going on." Craig scoffed sarcastically. "Glad you agree." Tyler wiggled his eyebrows. "Shut up, you twat." Craig snorted.

"Oh, why did you bring me to a park?" Craig asked. "Because it's a nice park, plus there is a cool place to sit." Tyler got out of the car. "Ty, no one else is here." Craig pointed out. "So? Whole park to ourselves." Tyler shrugged. "You could murder me, and no one would know." Craig stated. "Yeah, who knows what I could get away with out here." Tyler shrugged again. "You sound like a psychopath." Craig gave Tyler a dead stare. "And you sound like a whiny bitch." Tyler stared back. "Prick." Craig rolled his eyes, walking into the park on the cliff. "This place isn't very big." Craig said. "It's on a cliff. Then there is a steep hill down to a beach, but the water is nasty, and the sand is very grainy. It looks better than it is." Tyler chuckled.

"Hurry up." Tyler hissed. "Why are you in a hurry?" Craig whined. "Because it looks better when you can actually see, and I don't have a flashlight." Tyler scoffed. "Don't be mean." Craig glared. Tyler glared back, though they were both joking. "Oh, this is nice." Craig awed looking forward. "Told you." Tyler said triumphly. "I've seen better." Craig grinned. "What ever, just wait until it's sundown." Tyler waved his challenge off.

"Wanna see if some of our friend-o's wanna come and try to achieve noise complaints from those beach houses over there?" Craig hyped. "Hell yeah. Let's ruin this somewhat pretty view." Tyler grinned, picking up his phone to spam some people the address. Craig sat on the ground next to Tyler, looking around noticing some beach houses, and a few birds. It wasn't anything special, it was very simple.

"So, you said the beach sucked?" Craig asked. "Yeah," Tyler nodded. "Bet you can't race me into the water." Craig challenged Tyler's manly testosterone. "3, 2, 1!" Craig Tyler's eyes widened, when Craig sprinted through the thin bushes, and down the steep hill, all while stripping his shirt off. "You mother—!" Tyler yelled after, sprinting after him soon after. Tyler, who was shortly behind Craig accidentally tripped on a rock, though he managed to roll faster than Craig could run, until he was face down in the dirt. "Oh my god! Ty!" Craig screeched after him. Craig ran up to his side, to make sure he was okay. "Oh my god, Tyler, holy." Craig noticed all the cuts he had attained on his tumble. "I'm... still going to beat you, pussy!" Tyler yelled suddenly, shoving Craig, causing him to fall backwards. Tyler quickly took off his shirt, and dove into the water. "Oh, fuck you!" Craig hissed, running after him. He grabbed on to Tyler, trying to wrestle him. "Fuck you!" Tyler gargled through the water. Craig tried to pull Tyler backwards into the water. They fought relentlessly until they heard someone yell. Craig was still latched on to Tyler's back, when they both stopped to look at the top of the hill. Marcel, Scotty, and Brian were waving from the top of the hill. "Join us!" Craig yelled, still on top of Tyler, who could have easily knocked him off. Brian slid down the hill, while Marcel had to help Scotty. "We didn't bring swim suits." Scott noted. "Neither did we." Craig nodded at Tyler's and his shirts and shoes that had been strewn about. Brian just shrugged taking off his shirt, and joining them. "The water isn't as warm as it looks." Brian made a face of slight discomfort. "I hadn't noticed, since as soon as I got in, Craig was trying to drown me." Tyler stated. Craig laughed, climbing off Tyler and swam towards Brian and Marcel. "So, you three caught a ride together. Craig asked, as Tyler and Scott swam up besides him. "Yeah, Scotty was already at our place when Tyler blew up my phone." Marcel nodded. "Was David not home?" Tyler asked. "He said he wanted to head down later." Marcel answered. Tyler nodded, before swimming off. "Do you think anyone else'll show." Brian asked. "I don't know." Craig shrugged, not knowing who else Tyler invited. Brian was about to say something in return, but before he could get it out, an arm was wrapped around Craig's neck, and he was tugged into the muggy water. "Holy- What the fuck?" Brian grinned, seeing Craig surface with Tyler now on his back, "Tables have turned, Pussy boy!"


I didn't press publish last night.

Also, I'm not dead.

Bye, Mom.

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