[ h a t e f u l ☻ - 15 ]

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"You wanna see if Craig wants to come with?" Evan asked from his phone.
"We invite him everywhere." Tyler rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, because he's our friend?" Evan shrugged.
"Your friend, he just does my homework." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Ty." Evan said, "What?" He scoffed.
"You're really going to say that?" Evan asked.
"The truth, um, yeah?" Tyler glared. "Call him over then, and tell him. Tell him he means nothing." Evan dared. "You'd think he'd do my homework after that? No." Tyler declined.
"You know, he'll find out one day," Evan warned. "And I won't care, I'll find someone else to do my homework. Now, come on, let's go to the movies." He scoffed. "Whatever, man," Evan shrugged, grabbing his backpack.

"So all this, just to use me for homework?" Craig sighed. "Let me guess, Evan told you?" Tyler groaned.
"It's true then! You fucking used me!" Craig shouted.
"Shut the fuck up, it's, like, midnight." Tyler glared.
"And you don't even care?" Craig asked, clearly pissed.
"No, I don't care that you won't do my homework anymore." Tyler huffed.
"No... Don't you care about other people? About me? At all?" Craig scoffed.
"No! No, I fucking don't! I found you at a fucking party, and you bought me fucking Whataburger, it's not like we're best friends. I never asked you to do this shit, and it was Evan's idea you help us with homework in the first place!" Tyler ranted.
"But Evan cares. He not only cares, but invites me places, and is my friend. I had to learn from somebody else that you're a douchebag." Craig's angered appeared to turn to sadness. Tyler kept quiet, trying to think.
"What? Aren't you going to reply? Whatever, don't even apologize. I just thought we were friends, you'd invite me over, and we'd play with the dog, barely getting our homework done... tell me that was just you using me." Craig scoffed.

"Evan's on his way over, says he just got off work." Craig shrugged. "Okay," Tyler nodded, washing the dishes. He looked over to Craig, who was petting the dog.
"Hey," Craig waved, looking up from the dog, grinning.
Tyler smiled in reply, going back to the dishes.
"Everything okay in there?" Craig asked.

Kiss him again.

"Yeah," Tyler nodded. "You seem quiet, what's going on in your head?" Craig chuckled. "Nothing, just thinking." Tyler shrugged. "If it was nothing, you would realize you've been scrubbing that same plate for ten minutes." Craig sighed. Tyler stopped, looking down at the very clean plate. He put it in the dishwasher and grabbed a new plate. "Sorry." He apologized. "For what?" Craig asked. "I don't know." Tyler sighed. "Is everything okay? Seriously, Tyler."

I hate it when you use my full name.

"I'm fine." Tyler huffed.
"Obviously not," Craig argued. "I said I'm fine." Tyler stopped, looking at Craig, a worried face staring back. "Tyler..." Craig sighed. "Please call me Ty. Just Ty." Tyler pleaded. "I thought you hated your college nickname?" Craig asked.
"I do!" Tyler groaned.
Craig was now next to him, taking the dish out of his hand, and setting it down.
"...I can't help you if you don't tell me what the problem is." Craig sighed.
"You're the problem." Tyler hissed, leaving Craig shocked and confused. "What did I do?" Craig asked worriedly.
"Nothing. You did nothing at all." Tyler closed his eyes.

Kiss him again.

"Was it about what I said earlier? About you hating me?" Craig asked, panicked. "Yes! That and every word you've ever told me! Every look, every smile, every stupid laugh! It's all of it, everything about you!" Tyler opened his eyes, not realizing he was now tearing up.

"It wasn't," Tyler admitted.
Craig looked shocked, his eyes darting around Tyler's features, looking for anything to say he was lying, expecting him to just smile and laugh, saying he was joking.
"Craig, you're too naive. You're too sensitive, but you're also too nice, too caring, too smart. I told myself I'd never care about anyone, then Evan came along, Marcel right after. It pissed me off, I didn't want anyone else to come in. But you did, and it... it pisses me off more." Tyler huffed.
"Then don't let it." Craig shook his head. "I'm sorry." Tyler sighed. "Then Why—!" Craig was interrupted by Tyler hugging him. "I'm so sorry."

Tyler squeezed Craig in his arms, "You scare me so much." Tyler shook. "Ty..."

Kiss him again.

"... that's what's..."

Kiss him.

"... been bothering..."


"...You?" Craig smiled.

Tyler leaned down, grabbing the back of Craig's shoulders, and kissed him, holding him close.

They both pulled back for a bit, staring at each other.

"I..." Tyler started, but Craig just pulled him back in. They separated, stilled holding each other.

They just stood in the kitchen, Craig's head rested on Tyler's shoulder.

"Holy shit." Evan said, his mouth wide open, standing in the doorway of Tyler's house.

"Fuck off, Evan!" Tyler shouted.

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