[ h o m e - 4 ]

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Craig pointed out small things, such as small festivals, or even some local clubs. Tyler wasn't really in the mood for obnoxiously loud crowds, but he also wasn't in the mood to be alone.
Tyler read Craig's face, happy to know that he wasn't too frustrated with his indecisiveness.
"What are you interested in? It's obvious the bigger events I've been pointing at aren't, so what is?" Craig asked. "I don't want to be in a crowd, but I don't want to be... bored at home." Tyler shrugged.
"How about we be bored at my place and watch a movie?" Craig suggested. Tyler thought it over, and sighed. "Yeah. Cool, any movies you want to watch." Tyler asked.
Before Craig could answer, his phone started to ring. He picked up, and pulled off to the side of the road.
"What's up?" Craig asked, seeing Brian's contact name.
"I got stood up! I am done, I bought her chocolate! Fucking chocolate Craig. To be fair, it was a Hershey's bar, but still, Chocolate. I'm in my apartment alone, eating this chocolate, and I don't even like chocolate...!" Brian continued to rant about chocolate, and what Craig presumed to be a now Ex-partner.
"Okay, um. How about we watch some movies, order pizza, okay?" Craig spoke sweetly, trying to calm Brian down. "Ty is with me, at the moment, and if he chooses not to be an asshole, he can help, too." Craig added. "Buy me more chocolate and I'll be over in twenty." Brian mumbled, wanting to continue his rant. "Okay, see you." Craig set down his phone, noticing the look on Tyler's face. "Who is coming over, and why am I an asshole?" Tyler questioned. "Um, one, Brian got stood up, and is upset, and Two, You're an ass." Craig said, finally back on the road.
"Elaborate more on me being an ass?" Tyler said, still confused.
"You'll always will just be an ass." Craig answered as vaguely as he could. Tyler dropped it knowing he would never receive an answer to,
'Why is Tyler an Asshole?'

A knock interrupted Craig and Tyler's conversation, startling them both.
Craig answered the door, Brian standing in the hall way.
He was wearing nice Casual clothes, his hair was a little messy, but tame.
His eyes were large, a little puffy, and his whole face was a faint red.
Brian looked like a guy who had just been stood up.
"You okay, Bud?" Craig opened the door wider. "Yeah, we weren't that serious, anyways." Brian shrugged, walking in. "You seemed a lot more mad over the phone." Craig joked, sympathy drenching his words. "Yeah, I was pissed, so I angrily ate the chocolate, next I sadly ate more chocolate, after that I emotionally drained my self with chocolate; Now I'm dead from too much Chocolate." Brian shrugged. "Ten bucks Brian thought that joke out in the car on the way here." Tyler snickered. "Yeah, Hello to you too, Tyler. Or is it Ty, now?" Brian shot back. Tyler's smirk faltered, a glare taking it's place. They stared at each other for a moment, before they both started to laugh."Don't call me Ty. I will actually kill you." Tyler said after calming down from his fit of laughter.

"Can I get some Water?" Brian asked. "Oh,Yeah." Craig nodded, walking out of view. "Dude, what's up with you and Craig? You two suddenly just became best friends over night." Brian asked, interested in the random relationship. "What?" Tyler didn't know what he was on about. "I mean, It's weird watching you get so close to someone. You're too stubborn to even say, 'I love you' to your own mother." Brian shrugged. "I'm close to Marcel, and Evan, as well. We've all known each other for a long time." Tyler rolled his eyes. "Look, it's obvious something Is going on in your head. Wether you know it or not. Ty." Brian whispered, hissing the nickname Craig had given to Tyler in college. Craig walked in, a glass of water in his hand. "Yeah, it was pretty crazy. I really liked those sneakers, too." Brian said casually, whilst Tyler was fuming."What're you two talking about?" Craig asked, intrigued on what happened to Brian's beloved sneakers, as he handed him the water. "Ah, it's nothing, just a little
small talk, really." Brian grinned, giving Tyler a small wink.


Sorry it took so long, I've been having troubles with writing, because I'm visiting Colorado.

» Some Gay «

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