[ n i c e h a t - 3 ]

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Tyler's stomach growled. "Fuck, I don't have any groceries." He scowled. Tyler doesn't usually cook at home, and when he does, he plans ahead. Tyler just buys some fast food, and that was a problem, since he had lost his wallet. Tyler had already searched the house ten times over, so he gave up after awhile. He got up, and felt his pockets once more, checking to see if he was just dumb. "Could have I lost it at the bar?" He groaned sitting on his couch. He sat with his eyes closed, until the realization hit him in the face. "Craig." He jumped up for his phone, acting like he hadn't eaten in days. It rang for a moment, until Craig finally picked up. "Dude, have you seen my wallet?" Tyler asked quickly.
"Um, okay, Hello. And yeah, I did. It's on the coffee table." Craig replied.
"Thank god, I'm fucking starving." Tyler huffed. "Dude, you ate all of my Eggo's, like, not even four hours ago!" Craig exclaimed. "I ate four!" Tyler argued. "What ever. Since I haven't eaten, wanna grab some What-A-Burger?" Craig asked. "Sure,"
Tyler replied."K, what time do—," Craig asked, before interrupted. "— Speed. Fucking speed." Tyler hissed. Craig laughed, "K, I'll be over soon. Bye, Ty." Craig hung up, leaving Tyler to the silence of his house, which he hated very much.

Tyler decided he looked like a hobo, so he grabbed a gray sweatshirt and a pair of light jeans. He fixed his hair, popped some Advil, and tied his shoes. Tyler then fed his dogs, and played games on his phone, waiting for Craig to text him.

Tyler was in mid battle with a monster, when a text from Craig popped up. 'Im Outside. ;>' Tyler read.
'Took you long enough' Tyler replied, turning off his phone. He shoved his phone in his back pocket. He grabbed his jacket off the coat rack, causing a light pink cap to fall at his feet. Craig had given it to him as a joke, after Tyler said Pink was a very manly color. Tyler picked it up, and sat it on his head. He'd never worn it before, hiding it behind all his coats.
He admired it in a small mirror on his wall. Tyler heard a car horn, and quickly shoved on his jacket, and ran out the door.

Tyler climbed into the passenger seat, buckling his seatbelt.
"Nice Hat." Craig nodded, smiling.
"Yeah, says the one who had Pink hair." Tyler scoffed.
Craig only laughed in response.

They pulled out of the Drive-thru, and parked in the lot.
"Dude, wheres my wallet?" Tyler asked. Craig's eyes lit up with realization. "Shit, sorry. The only reason we are here is for the wallet. Fuck, I'm dumb." Craig chuckled at his own stupidity, though Tyler didn't find it dumb at all. "You just forgot, you weren't dumb. Now it was dumb that you called yourself dumb," Tyler smirked, "But hey, at least I got it back." Tyler held up the small wallet.
Craig only stared, not knowing if Tyler was complimenting him or being insulting. "Okay, well here's your food." Craig said, handing him a bag. "Shit, how much? Ten dollars?" Tyler dug around his wallet, trying to find cash. "No, I got it. No need to pay." Craig waved him off. "No, I let you pay every fucking time." Tyler scowled. "Driver Pays, we came up with that, like, years ago." Craig sighed. "From when we stayed up till Five am studying, and went on What-A-Burger runs? That was so long ago." Tyler huffed, continuing to dig through his wallet. "No! Tyler, stop." Craig whined like a kid.
"Let me pay for my food," Tyler hissed. "No!" Craig grabbed for his wallet. "Stop, dip shit!" Tyler yelled. Tyler rolled down his window, and stuck his arm out with the wallet in hand, as Craig was crawling out of his seat trying to grab it. "Fuck your stupid long arms!" Craig screeched.
"Get off me, asshole!" Tyler tried pushing him back. "No!" Craig was fully out of his seat now, As Tyler fought him off. "Tyler," Craig huffed, Tyler finally getting Craig away from him. Tyler pulled out two five dollar bills and threw them in Craig's face.
"I don't want your fucking Money!" Craig yelled. "I don't care. You've payed for my lunch since college." Tyler sighed, calming down from the onslaught of Craig. "What ever," Craig rolled his eyes, tossing the money on his dash. "What a great place to put that." Tyler sneered.
"Shut up, prick." Craig Hissed.

"Want me to take you home?" Craig asked. Tyler thought about going home, but realized he'd be bored and alone. "Are you busy?" Tyler mumbled. "Oh. Uh, No. Not really." Craig shrugged, looking out his side window, giving Tyler a sneaking suspicion he was lying.
"If you have shit to do, I mean..." Tyler raised his brow. "I do, but It can wait." Craig backed out of the lot. "What ever, You better not get in trouble because of me, dumb ass." Tyler hissed, giving Craig the 'Is he Nice or Rude' feeling again.
"I won't,"Craig huffed, "Where you wanna go?" He asked. "I don't know. Anywhere is cool." Tyler shrugged, not giving Craig any information.
"And this is why we don't make plans when you're around." Craig referred to all the times Tyler had gotten mad because they made plans without telling him. "I'm a great plan maker."
Tyler argued. "You're a wrecking ball, with no coordination, Ty." Craig rolled his eyes.


Some Gay.

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