[ t u t o r - 7 ]

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Craig sat on his bed, writing in his notebook, mostly homework, some stupid doodles. Marcel had gone out earlier, probably with his girlfriend, or maybe some of his friends. He set his notebook down, looking at his alarm clock. '6:00 pm'. Too early to go to sleep, and too late for dinner.
People usually had a life, and no classes on Sundays, so they would have been out and about. Craig wasn't scared of socializing, just didn't care for socializing. Though, big crowds tend to make him nervous, but never 'terrified'.

A knock rang out into the room, dragging Craig out of his thoughts.
He ignored it, it was probably just Marcel's friends looking for him.
Another knock. He just ignored it again, probably wrong dorm number.
Third knock, and Craig was a little annoyed.
He stood up, And cracked the door slightly.
"Marcel's not home." Craig said, all emotion dead in his voice. "We're not looking for him." Evan said.
Craig opened the door wider, to find Evan and Tyler in the hallway.
"He's with his girlfriend." Craig stated, based on where he is when no one can find him.
"Again, we're not here for him. We wanted to see if you could help Ty— Ow!" Tyler elbowed Evan in the side. "Fine. Help me with my calculus." He mumbled.
"Oh." Craig just kind of stood in the door way.
"I don't have a car, so Tyler had to drive me." Evan bit his lip. "You told him you sometimes helped some students with calc, so when I was having problems he said something about it." Evan shrugged, both Tyler and Craig stood silent.
"Can someone else talk?" Evan whined, feeling awkward from the silence.
"Oh, yeah, sorry. So, like, do you want help, like, right now, or do you want to schedule something?" Craig nodded, trying to understand. "If you aren't busy, he needs help with some homework that he doesn't understand." Tyler sighed. "Yeah, um, come in, you know the place." Craig nodded, stepping out of their way.

"Uh, I only have five on me, so I guess Tyler and I owe you lunch." Evan smiled, shoving his complete homework into his bag.
"Or dinner, looking at the time. Want some Mexican food?" He smiled.
Craig nodded smiling back, before Tyler caught his eye.
Tyler just stood behind Evan, his bored blue eyes drilling holes into Craig's.
"You two ready? No one against Mexican food?" Evan asked, slinging his bag onto his back.

Craig sat across from Tyler, while Evan sat diagonally.
"If Marcel doesn't show up, I'm going to beat him up." Tyler glared, half jokingly.
"He probably just wants to finish up with his Girlfriend before leaving." Craig wiggled his eyebrows, giving a small chuckle.
"He was probably on the phone with Evan while his pants were down." Tyler added. "Ew, don't give me that image." Evan gagged.
Craig and Evan started to laugh, but a concerned waiter asking if they were okay made it so much better.

Marcel walked into the restaurant, the three at the table waving him over.
"What took you so long?" Evan whined.
"Traffic. It's Seven, everyone just got off work." Marcel huffed. "Five is Rush hour, not Seven." Tyler pointed out. "Oh, lying now are we?" Craig smirked.
"The traffic was bad! What do you want from me?" Marcel hissed. "An apology for making Craig sit with us." Evan declared.
"Why?" Marcel asked.
"Because I can see the pure and innocent fear in his eyes when we start screaming in here." Tyler answered, smirking.
"Sorry, Craig, for letting these two ass holes drag you around." Marcel rolled his eyes, as Craig tried not to burst out laughing.
"Honestly, you two didn't Drag me anywhere." Craig smiled, as the waitress walked up to take their orders.


Sorry for this shit chapter.

Bye Mom.

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