[ B e a c h T r i p - 9 ]

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Time flew, as more friends showed up, and complained about the cold water. Marcel had almost crashed his car, trying to get it down to the beach, because he thought it'd be cool to blare music from his stereo. Craig laughed, watching Scotty, trying to help Marcel back his car up closer to where everyone's stuff was located. David, who showed up a little while ago, ended up having to go back it up for them.
Marcel turned some station on, and ran back to the water to join in on the shenanigans.

Craig laid on the grainy sand, next to Brian. "What's been happening, like, how's it been?" Brian asked. "Ah, good. Tyler's been dragging me around, it was his idea to even come out here." Craig chuckled. "It's funny watching him try to act nicer." Brian sneered. "What do you mean?" Craig asked calmly. "Oh, he can just be a big ol' meanie sometimes." Brian explained. "I think he's just preserved." Craig shrugged. "Yeah, well, looks like they're starting a fire, over there— Oh, Evan's here." Brian looked towards Marcel's car, where everyone was talking. Craig jumped up to go greet Evan, while helping Brian up off the sand.

"How did you know about this place, Tyler?" Evan asked. "I had to piss, and pulled over to the park up there, and took a leak in a bush." Tyler explained, as everyone laughed lightly. "Dude, we should totally go on another beach trip. Maybe to a nicer place, where the water isn't as cold, and the sand isn't basically gravel." Marcel chuckled. "Take what you get, Bitch-tit. Don't complain." Tyler glared. "We get it, you're proud of your beach." Brian rolled his eyes. "Let Ty have his beach." Craig kicked up a little sand at Brian.

"It's getting late." David yawned, taking another sip of his coke. Everyone hummed in agreement, sitting in a circle around the dying fire. "Alright, I'm gonna go find my shoes and my shirt." Craig sighed. "Well, if you were smart, like the rest of us, you would left it on the beach." Marcel sneered. "Want help finding it?" Scotty asked, setting his coke down. Craig was already walking towards the dirt hill, "Nah, I'll find it." Craig turned the offer down.

They all watched Craig hike up the hill, looking for a black shirt, amidst the soil, and pitch dark of the night. They were all about to stand up to help Craig, when he finally found the shirt. He ran back down the hill, and back to the dim campfire. He shook it off, before shoving it back on. "Okay, I think my shoes are at the top of the hill." Craig shrugged. "You're a mess." Tyler snorted. "Shut up." Craig smiled, plopping back down on to the sand.

They smothered the fire completely, and helped Marcel get his car back up on to the road. They all found their stuff, except Scotty, who lost his left flip-flop, and Craig was reunited with his shoes, which were hidden in a bush at the top of the hill. "There's stickers!" Scotty screech. They looked back to see him jumping on one leg, trying to pull the thorns out of his foot. "Help." Scotty whined towards them all. "I'll help him to my car, Brian, can you start it up?" Marcel huffed. "Yeah." Brian nodded, as Marcel toss him the keys.

Craig buckled his seatbelt, getting adjusted in his seat. "Alright." Tyler sighed, pulling out of the lot. "This was the most random trip to the beach ever." Craig laughed. "Yeah, but those are the best trips," Tyler nodded, "But back to the topic from earlier... Why'd you call me to Whataburger?" Tyler brought it up again. "To eat. I was just hungry." Craig lied. He knew Craig was lying, but acted dumb. Deep down, even Craig knew he didn't buy it.

They drove in silence, Tyler couldn't stop thinking about Craig lying. Craig never really lied, and when he did, it was for a joke, or even to comfort someone. Tyler didn't want to be butt-hurt over why Craig would lie to him, but he still was. Tyler finally pulled up to Craig's apartment lot, and parked near the entrance. "Well, see ya, Ty." Craig smiled, climbing out of the car. "See you." Tyler waved, driving off.


It's been a while,

Time kind of flew.

Bye, Mom.

[un-edited = lazy fuck]
[Lazy fuck = Me]

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