Opening Ball

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Mina and I cantered down the hallway, on our way to the ballroom for the opening ball. Mina was absolutely in love with my Turquoise ( A/N it's tiffany blue for a girl of today but in 1800s *shrug*) ball gown. 

What she didn't know was that I had a dozen things from the weaponry hidden in it

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What she didn't know was that I had a dozen things from the weaponry hidden in it.

"Hmm, who do you think Ed will choose as the receiver of the honour-" she created quotation marks in the air "- of being his choice for first dance?"

"If he were pragmatic, he wouldn't immediately draw battle lines between the debutantes, but instead , he would ask you to dance with him."

"I think he will do that."

"I never said he was pragmatic."

"I can bet my life he will."

" Life, fine, but can you bet ten bucks on it?"

" You are on", she said, her thoughtful expression splitting into a grin.


As the princess and her lady in waiting were announced, the ballroom hushed up, well, at least the men did.

The girl who had in a matter of hours become my best friend, glided down the flight of stairs as a vision in royal blue, and, well, I followed.

The girl who had in a matter of hours become my best friend, glided down the flight of stairs as a vision in royal blue, and, well, I followed

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Uncle J and aunt Izzy were seated on the throne across the room. I waved to them, keeping my hand at knee level. They returned the gesture. 

Then we awaited the arrival of Prince high and mighty with bated breaths. Well, everyone else at least did. 

And there he came, trotting down the steps, grinning like the idiot he was. And he swiftly moved towards his twin, who was standing beside me. They looked so uncannily dissimilar! She like Aunt Izzy and he like Uncle J.

So yes, I was losing the bet. Or was I?

Boy oh boy, that idiot gave me his hand!

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