Queen 101

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I entered the Queen's chambers and was immediately awestruck. The suite was decorated in elegant taste with walnut desks, velvet sofas and a walnut dressing table.

"Come Sasha,"

"Hey aunt Izzy. "

"I haven't called you here to say hi. today, Damien caught you and Edward in a ... um compromising situation ?"

My cheeks burned red.

"Oh.....uh that."

"It's okay, even we have experienced young love, you know. But I wanted to know how you feel about it."

""Personally, I feel scared, as though-"

"- you are jumping into a bottomless pit-"

"-and I am afraid that-"

"-you love the crown more than the man."


"Don't worry, I felt all of this too. But one day, your love will prove itself to you. And I couldn't have asked for a better successor."

"Thank you. You are the closest I have to a mother. I  won't let you down."

"I hope that moron gave you tonight's invitation"

"Yes," I laughed.

"Good, therefore as the crown Prince's first choice, you are now granted place as a debutante"

"Wait, what?"

"No reason to dwell on it dear. go to Mina's suite, you have to get ready too."

《A/N Hey guys, check out my other book , Definitely Werewolf ChickLit, if you're into those kind of books》

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《A/N Hey guys, check out my other book , Definitely Werewolf ChickLit, if you're into those kind of books》

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 23, 2017 ⏰

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