(C)6.... Running Away From My Problems

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I watched as my mate ran up the stairs. I went after her but as soon as I reached the door, I heard it lock. I went to knock on the door but stopped when I heard her slide down the door. After a minute I heard crying.

'My mate is crying! Our mate is crying!' I thought panicked

'She wouldn't be crying if you just would have told her she was our mate! God, you stupid idiot!' Kay yelled at me. I groaned quietly and ran my hand through my hair.

I heard her get up and sniffle. I hate hearing her cry! I knocked on the door three times and waited.

" *Sniff* Hold on! I'll be there i-in a sec!" I heard her yell. I heard quiet footsteps approach the door. It clicked and the door cracked open.

"Oh. It's you..." She said sadly. Ok, now that hurt.

"Look, it's late and I really need to go to bed. We have school tomorrow." She said quietly.

'Dang you really did hurt her feelings.... She actually being nice.' Kay said upset.

I wasn't really paying attention to him at the moment and more to what she was wearing. She had on a big t-shirt that looked like it belonged to a male.... but it wasn't mine. I looked farther down and noticed that the shirt was covering up only half of her black lace panties. Her hair was up in a messy bun and she had in one earbud.

"I really need to talk to you." I said.


"My mate." She looked down and opened the door wider. She walked over to the bed. She plopped down on it. She took out her earbud and looked at me.

"What do I have to do about your mate?"

"Nadia, you are my mate." She looked shocked and then narrowed her eyes at me. Uh oh.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier!? You wanted me to hurt, didn't you!?" She yelled. How could she think that!? Now I was angry.

"How could you even think that!? You didn't even let me tell you that you were my mate! You ran off!" I shouted.

"It's not my fault that you didn't tell me straight up! You know what!? It doesn't matter! Once I'm away from here, I'm leaving and never coming BACK!" She yelled.

"So your just going to run away!? Isn't that what you've been doing this whole time!? Running away!" I yelled. I seen tears in the corner of her eyes.

"Fine. You wanna be like that? Let's see how you feel when you never see me again. I hope you feel like your in hell and can't get out. I hope the feeling of losing someone you "love" KILLS you." She said putting quotation marks around "love" with her fingers. She grabbed her stuff and walked past me.

"I run away from my problems right? Well, looks like your my problem." She said and ran out of the room.

I ran after her just to see her dodging Cole, Logan, Shawn, Brett and Seth trying to catch her.

She ran out the door and down the driveway. She won't get far, she's barefooted.

Ok I spoke to soon. She is hella fast!

As she was running, her damp hair feel out of the bun, making her look even hotter.

I seen her make it to the road and went right. All the sudden she ran in the middle of the road. What is she doing?

Headlights flashed across my face. Car!

She was running towards the truck waving her arms back and forth. The car stopped and I noticed it was a man whore from our school.... Kade. I growled loudly as he pulled over.

"Help. I need your help!" She said hiding her face.

"Woah, what's wrong?" He asked.

"Nothing is wrong. She just drunk." I said picking her up and throwing her over my shoulder.

"Put. Me. Down Kayden!"

"It doesn't look like she is drunk." Kade said getting out of the truck. I stepped back as he stepped forward.

"Miss, are you ok?" He asked. Does he not know her?

"Does it look like I'm ok!?" She shouted. I wish she would cut me some slack.

"I'll cut you some "slack" whenever you put me down." She said. I was very confused. What did she mean? Nobody said anything. Wait a minute.

"Hey! Stop reading my mind!" I yelled

"We're fine Kade. Go home, or wherever your heading." I said. He stood there confused so I took off running.

"You shoulder... Is killing.... My stomach!!" She yelled as I ran back to the pack house.

I walked in and threw her on our leather couch.

"You Missy, are in trouble." I said narrowing my eyes at her while pointing my finger at her.


Uh oh....

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