(10) Moon Goddess?

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I watched in a tree as Nadia and her friends ate at the picnic tables out side of the pack house.

Yes, I know what werewolves are, considering I grew up in a werewolf family. I bet you are wondering why Nadia doesn't know about me.

Well, I'm two years older than her, so I'm 19. When I was two and she was just born, rouges came and broke into our house. I had woken my parents up, which are also her parents, and told them someone was downstairs. They told me to grab her and hide, so that's what I did.

We were hiding in the closet when she started crying. I heard footsteps and screaming. I tried to get her to stop but she wouldn't. The closet door sung opened and someone grabbed me. I dropped her and she landed on a pile of blankets.

I kicked and screamed, telling the dude to put me down but he didn't. He threw my in the back a a van and drove off. They held me captive for 12 years before I was able to excape. I'm guessing that my parents didn't tell her about me so she wouldn't be sad. I wonder if they remember me.

I heard screaming and looked up at them alarmed. I heard Nadia giggling. I smiled as I seen her hiding behind a tree and Kayden stalking up behind her quietly. He turned and looked behind the tree.

"Where did he go?" She asked herself looking past the side of the tree. I laughed quietly as Kayden walked up behind her. He wrapped his arms around her causing her to screamed and jump.

"Kayden you buttwipe!! Don't scare me like that!" She yelled and playfully hit his chest. He laughed and bet down to kiss her. I growled lowly at him. I wish I could be the big protective brother towards her, but I just had to go and get myself kidnapped.

"Kayden! Watch out!" I heard Nadia yell panicking. I looked and seen a rouge charge at Kayden from behind. Right as Kayden turned around the rouge leaped at him. I dived out of the tree and tackled the rouge in mid air. I hopped up and me and the rouge circled each other.

  I pulled out a knife dipped in wolvesbane. He snarled at me and charged at me. I ducked and shot my hand up and stabbed him in the stomach. I ran up to him once he dropped to the ground and snapped his neck.

I got up and dusted my clothes off.

"It's you!" Nadia said in shock.


It was him. Why was he here? He knows about werewolves? Was he watching us?

"You know him." Kayden growled protectively and pulled me into his chest.

"Yeah. This is the dude I bumped into at the mall a few days ago. Remember?" I said getting out of his grip.

"Are you ok?" I asked kindly. He smiled and nodded.

"Yeah I'm fine. Nice to see you again by the way." He chuckled. I'm so confused on why he is here.

"Yeah, nice to see you again too" I told him.

"Why are you here?" I asked couriously.

"Oh well um, I was looking for you." He said rubbing the back of my neck.

"There's something you need to now that our parents didn't tell you." He said slowly but sternly.

"What do you mean 'they didn't tell me'? And why did you say our? I don't even know you that well." I said. Maybe he is an old family friend, but what is it that my parents didn't tell me?

"Um, can we sit down and talk?" He asked. I swear, if he tries to ambush us I will kill him.

"Sure." Kayden said and led us into the house. Man, and I was having fun playing outside.

We sat down in silence. I looked at Ty and it looked like he was trying to think of a good way to say what he had to stay. Me being me, I grew impatient.

"What did you have to tell us?" I asked leaning back on the couch. He sat on the opposite couch in front of us.

"Um Nadia, when I was two my parents house was broken into. They told me to grab my baby sister and hide, so that's what I did." What is he talking about.

"And?" Cole asked.

"The people found me. When they found me I dropped my sister but made sure she landed on some blankets. They took me. My parents were knocked out, so they couldn't help. They had me for 12 years, so when I was 14  when I excaped. A few days ago I finally found my sister, but she didn't know about me." He said looking down sadly. This is so sad!

"Where did you meet her at?" I asked. He chuckled a little and looked up at me. He looked at me right in the eyes and for some reason I felt we were connected.

"She was looking down at her phone, when she bumped into me."

"Hey! I did that to!" I laughed. Wait a minute. That only happened a few day ago too.

"Wait, am I your sister...?" I asked pointing at myself.

"Nadia Vixen, I am Tyler Vixen. Your lost brother." He said standing up and kneeling down in front of me.

"What? Your kidding me right?" I asked not believing him. It's only been me. I've never seen him or any boy in any of my family pictures. Some of my other families haven't even mention a long lost son before. It's like he never existed.


.... I do remember one picture I found in the top of my parents closet. There was my parents. They looked  young. My mom was holding a baby girl and my dad had one arm around her waist and the other was holding a little boy. He had brown wavey, spiked hair and bright green eyes. The boy had his right hand on my dad's chest and his left hand behind my dads neck. On the boy's right hand there was a creasent moon..... Birthmark! OMG. No way!

"You are my brother." I said shocked. He was still kneeling down in front of me. I lunged at him and tackled my brother to the ground, my arms wrapping around his neck. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around my waist hugging me back.

"Mine!" Kayden growled and yanked me from Ty. Ty got up and.... growled back? What?

"Did you just growl?" I asked as I was sitting on Kayden's lap with his arms around me. I loved this feeling. Him holding me, caring about me, hopefully loving me.

"Sh*t!" Ty mumbled. He ran his hands through his hair and plopped down on the floor in front of me.

"What's wrong?" Zara asked. Is it bad that I forgot they were here?

"They never told you?" Ty asked me anger flashing through his eyes.

"Who told me what?" I asked confusion clearly written on my face.

"Nadia, we are werewolves. But not any kind. We are special wolves. Element wolves. I've already shifted, I am the first wolf. Also when my birthmark glows it's red."

No... Way...

"Yeah sure...." I said crossing my arms.

"What color is the glow of you birthmark?" He asked.

"Purple. But rarely it will have a different color, like purple with green mixed in it, or purple and blue, or purple and red. I'm not sure what it means, but oh well.

He looked at me in shock. He slowly stood up and walked towards me.

"Nadia.... You are the Pure Element Wolf." He said stunned.

The what? I thought raising my eyebrow.


"Your the next Moon Goddess Nadia." I told her looking into her now-wide eyes.

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