(18) Battle Won

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I told the guards to get Tanya somewhere safe and that her brother would be here soon. After she was safe Rage jumped out of the woods.

"Where is Tanya?" He asked frightened. I smiled and nodded at the pack house.

"She's safe." I said.

"How are you not burnt to a crisp." Kayden asked as we ran inside.

"I've accessed my elemental powers. I used a force field I created with the wind." I said proud of myself. I ran to my room to get clothes while Kayden and Rage got the guards together and set up defenses around the boarders. I heard a scream break out and I quickly ran out of my room and downstairs.

I seen a rouge corner a little girl from the pack.

Oh hell no you don't. A voice said in my head. I have a wolf spirit. I'm Athena. Nice to finally be able to talk to you. She said.

I raised my hands up and water shot out like a waterfall and basically drowned the rouge.

When I got the girl safe I made my way quickly outside. Rouges were everywhere. I looked over to the side of the pack house when I heard a scream. Tanya was outside a window surrounded by rouges.

What is she doing?!

I started to run towards her but a medium sized charcoal grey wolf jumped in front of her. Still I ran with a handgun my hand and stared shooting. When they were dead I went to turn around but I was tackled to the ground.

I looked up and instantly knew who it was. It was a girl rouge named Callie. She was a light grey wolf with black highlights running through her fur. She was really pretty in human form too but I don't think she's a big fan of me.

She towered over me with a dangerous look in her eyes but she wasn't looking at me. I looked up and seen a huge reddish brown wolf with amber eyes staring back.


I looked back at Tanya and seen the wolf that saved her running off with her on his back. I let out a breath of relief that she didn't have to see me die. That would be embarrassing.

"Oh hey Fang. Nice for you to drop in." I chuckled nervously. Callie growled and stepped in front of me. I'm pretty sure the she-wolf was protecting me. Not that I have a problem with that.

I pushed myself to my knees and looked at my surroundings. Most of the rouges were dead and the ones alive were retreating.

"I'd hate to be the one to see you tomorrow." I said to Fang as I nodded at his 'loyal' subjects. His eyes went wide and filled with fear. He bowed his head and ran off into oblivion.

"Thank you Callie." I said with a smile. She nodded and ran of in the opposite direction. She was finally free.

"Nadia!" Kayden yelled for me. I spun around and immediately threw myself into his arms. With the most passionate kiss I found myself doing something i here thought I'd do.

I got down on one knee and took his hand in mine.

"Kayden I love you more than life itself and I want you to be mine forever. A life without just isn't worth living. Will you marry me?"

Sock and a hint of embarrassment rushed through his face but I still kept the smile on my face.

"Nadia." He said slowly. I feared what he would say.

"I thought you'd never ask."

I know it's not the ending y'all expected but at least I finished. There may be another chapter coming up about how their life is going but I'm not sure.

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