November came and went and so did December. I didn't particularly enjoy the holiday season because everyone was so happy and I couldn't find it in me to be the same. Luke had Amber and his family, Geo had his family and the dysfunctional family he made and Matt had Tiffany and Tiffay and her family loved Matt like he was one of their own. I didn't want to impose on anyone or be a third wheel so I was glad when Trell invited me down to spend a week with him and Missy.
Missy was halfway through with her pregnancy. They were having a boy and Trell was more happy about that than anyone. I helped Trell put the finishing touches on the nursery and once Missy saw the final results she cried like a baby. As much as I enjoyed being with them I didn't want to wear out my welcome. When I got back home everyone was still in the holiday spirit but my focus was on my coins. I was booked and busy deejaying at parties and all kind of holiday events. As the New Year rolled around I made sure I kept my mind idle and off of Vin but thoughts of him just invaded my dreams turning them into nightmares.
*Eli's Nightmare*
Walking into the house everything was eerily quiet. I walked up the steps and it felt like they were never ending. It was our old house, the one I grew up in with Vin but after climbing the stairs there was only one door at the end of the long hall. Pushing it open Vin was laying on the floor just like how I found him that night. Blood was pouring from the hole in his chest and seeped from the side of his mouth. I reached out to touch his face and his eyes opened and he gripped my wrist tight. It didn't hurt as much as the pain in his eyes touched my soul in the worst way.
"Help me," he choked out as he started to cough up more blood.
"I..," I started to stutter not knowing what to say as I watched he blood pour out of his chest and onto the carpet under him.
"Why didn't you save me. Why weren't you here for me when I needed you?"
"I didn't know. I'm so sorry," I cried as I watched him go still, "Please don't leave me. Vinny...Vinny."
I gasped for air as I jolted straight up in my bed looking all around only to realize it was only a dream. A dream that felt all to real just like the similar dreams I had been having on and off for the past two weeks. Vinny asking me to save him and me waking in a cold sweat. It's the reason why I haven't been eating or sleeping like I should have.
January was almost up and February was right around the corner. Everyone was looking forward to Valentines day but it was the worst day of my life. It was the day that my brother was taken from me. I vowed to get my revenge and I got it but my brother was still gone and he was never coming back and no amount of revenge could change that. That was a lesson I had to learn the hard way.
"Your up," Tiffany popped in my doorway bringing me out of my thoughts.
"Matt will be here in an hour. Your still riding with us right?"
Tonight was Luke's birthday bash and he was having it down at the club. I honestly didn't plan on showing up and even had my excuse mapped out but on second thought maybe getting out of the house was what I needed. At least it would keep my mind off things for awhile. Plus this was one of the rare Saturday nights that I wasn't working so I should take advantage.
"Yeah. I'm getting up now," I threw the covers off me and got out of my bed.
"Good because if you weren't I was going to drag you out anyway. I'm going to do whatever I need to do to get your mind off things."

General FictionEli isn't your typical girl and this isn't your typical love story. She just wants someone to love her and accept her, flaws and all. © 2017-2018 ™. All rights reserved.