I had been feeling a lot better as of late after my melt down two weeks back in front of Chance. The last thing I ever wanted anyone to do was to see me cry but there was nothing I could do about it now. Chance never mentioned what happened that day and I wasn't about to either. I was embarrassed either way and did my best to avoid him but that was almost impossible. Every time he saw me he was always going out of his way to talk to me and several times in the past two weeks even texted me wishing me good morning and to have a good day and to see how my day was going.
I was at Vanity and me, Bri, Lauren and Tiffany were about to head out to lunch while the other girls held down the shop. It was the lunch hour and things were slow anyway so I figured it was cool. Tiffany, me and Bri were standing around and were waiting on Lauren to put the finishing touches on her clients hair so we could head out.
Her client, a regular by the name of Brenda was on a journey to find the 'perfect men' and decided to become celibate. I told her time and time again that there wasn't no such thing but she was determined to find hers. Today she talked about how lonely she was and prayed that god would show her a sign.
The door chimed and all of us looked to see who was entering and in walked Chance.
"Jesus has answered my prayers. Hallelujah," Brenda said out loud looking at Chance like he was a three course meal. He was dressed in a long gray peacoat and black slacks and for the life of me I couldn't understand how he made that wack shit look good.
"He's taken," Tiffany responded to Brenda making me glance over at her so she could tell me what I missed. Since when?
"Good afternoon ladies," Chance greeted all the females in the shop. Again all conversation ceased and all eyes were on him. Why when a good looking man came around women started tripping.
"Hi Chance," Bri and Lauren sung, they were both in sync and they sounded like their response was rehearsed. Lauren told Brenda she was all done and took the smock from around Brenda. She didn't even bother looking in the mirror at her hair, her eyes remained on Chance as she approached him with her hand out.
"I don't think we met. I'm Brenda and you are?"
"Nice to meet you Brenda. I'm Chance," he shook her hand and took to long to let go."Did you need something in particular," I asked Chance cutting whatever was going on between them short, "Haircut, manicure, pedicure, a wax?"
Chance dropped his hand from Brenda's and turned to face me, "Funny. I did come here for something."
"And that is," I waited for him to tell me what that was but wasn't expecting his answer.
I frowned at his comment but all the ladies in the shop oohed and awed like he had just got down on one knee and proposed to me. One harsh look from me and they all shut up.
"I wanted to take you out to lunch," Chance said taking a few steps in my direction, "You ladies don't mind if I borrow your boss for an hour?"
"Not at all," Bri pushed me forward towards Chance.
"Actually," I looked at the girls hoping they would back me up, "Me and the girls had plans to go to lunch together."
"Plans that can be rescheduled," Tiffany waved her hand at what I said.
"Exactly. You two have fun," Lauren agreed patting me on my shoulder.
I looked back at the girls like they had lost their minds because it was obvious that they had. I didn't understand what made him even want to take me out to lunch. Plus I wondered how he even knew where I was anyway. Tiffany...

General FictionEli isn't your typical girl and this isn't your typical love story. She just wants someone to love her and accept her, flaws and all. © 2017-2018 ™. All rights reserved.