Twenty Four

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"So in walked this old chick rocking designer from head to toe looking like one of those bougie chicks off of the Real Housewives. Some Clair Huxtable looking women. Long story short she's his ex and she wants him back."

I was at the shop telling the girls about my disaster of a night last night. After I left Chance's place last night I went home, packed a bag and spent the night at Matt & Tiffany's. Chance blew my phone up all last night but I wasn't trying to hear anything he had to say. The only person he needed to be talking shit out with was his old lady.

"Not Clair Huxtable," Bri laughed even though I didn't mean it to be funny.

"Clair Huxtable is beautiful."

And that was my biggest problem. She was older and I could crack on her age all I wanted to but that didn't take away from how beautiful she is. Beautiful, classy and probably everything my ass wasn't.

"You don't think she was his suga mama do you," Bri asked causing me to give her the side-eye.

"Why would someone like him need with a suga mama," I asked.

"You never know and you need to ask him that."

She was right but I still wasn't ready to talk to him as of yet.

"Am I tripping," I asked them, "Do I really have a right to be mad since she was before my time."

"Any women would feel some kind of way if her boyfriends ex popped up out of nowhere so no your not tripping. You just need to talk to him and hear what he has to say."

"He's with you. If he wanted to be with her he would be," Tiffany told me.

I had so many questions and I knew the only person who could answer them all was Chance.

"I know I need to talk to him but I don't want to be one of those nagging girls all up in my man's business."

"Fuck that! As his women, the women who's currently in his bed and you have the right to know who your man stuck his dick in before you."

The image of him kissing her let alone having sex with her had me all the way fucked up.

"On second thought I rather not know."

"This girl," Lauren started but Bri cut her off.

"Sugar mama."

"His sugar mama came all the way up here to see about your man. You have a right to know who she is and whats going on. Including the type of relationship he has with her and what kind of communication he still has with her."

"I can't go asking him all that."

"You can and you need to and don't feel guilty about anything. If the roles were reversed Chance would be feeling the same way and have the same questions you have right about now. Talk to him."

I agreed with the girls that I needed to talk to him but I didn't know if I was really ready to hear what he had to say. When we talked about his sex he told me they had been together for the past eight years...Eight years. He was only 26, that means he had been with her since he was 18...

This was too much and I didn't have the time or energy to sit here talking over the shit anymore. I had things to do.

"I gotta go."

"Go where?"

"Studio with Q."

"Now that's a good look. If Chance isn't acting right then just hook up with a rapper or a singer. Q is cute with his short ass."

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