Chapter 18

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Hoseok point of view:

I woke up by my alarm. "Aish!" It's so loud! I quickly turned it off before my ears were killed.

I looked over to my side and saw Y/n waking up too. She looked up at me and slightly blushed. Ah! So cute!

"Good morning jagi~" I smiled at her.
She looked confused. "J-jagi?"
I pulled her closer to me and kissed her cheek.

"Wasn't that a yes you gave me last night?" I asked her playfully.
"Maybe...." She smirked.
"Maybe?" I asked her.

She leaned closer and pecked my lips.
She quickly stood up and ran downstairs. I ran after her.

We walked down in the kitchen and she started to look for something to cook. I back hugged her and leaned my head on her back.

"You love me, you love me!" I teased her. I sqeezed around her harder. "Hoseok! Stop!"
I started to tickle her. She laughed her cute laugh and I giggled.

"St-stop iit!" She tried to stop me, but failed. "I won't stop until you say that you love me!" "Okay, okay!" I slowly let her go.

We stood still for a moment, but she quickly ran off. I chased her.

"Hey!" I yelled after her. We ran into a random room. I got up to her and trapped her in my arms. I back hugged her.

"I love you, Y/n." I whispered in her ear. I turned her around to face me.
"I love you too, Hoseok." She smiled widely.

It made me so happy to hear those words from the girl I love. It made me feel that I could face everything in the world, if only she were by my side.

I leaned foward and kissed her soft lips. It made sparkles fly inside me.
We pulled each other closer as the kiss heated up.

"Ehemm.." We heard someone at the door. We both turned our heads in the direction of the sound.

"Dad!" I let Y/n go and fixed myself up.
I totally forgot that he was here. He gave me a hard look.

I grabbed Y/n's hand. "Let's go and make some breakfast."


Y/n point of view:

We arrived at school and the day went by. Hoseok sat next to me in the classes we had together and he came up to me in the breaks.

But, I could still feel that he wasn't in a good mood, like he usually was. Something was bothering him.

In lunch break, I decided to ask him about it.

We sat down with our food, and Hoseok didn't look too good.

I put my arm around him and leaned my head on his shoulder.

"Hoseok?" I looked up at him. "Yeah?"
"Is it something bothering you that you want to talk to me about?"

He looked down.
"Actually, my father..." He paused before continuing.
"My father and I don't have the closest realationship. It is always my mom who bring us together. But my parents are always on buissness trips overseas, and I didn't get to see them that much in my childhood."

I stroked his back.

"My father....." He turned and looked me deeply into my eyes. "He has always been strict with me, and told me that, one day, I will have to take over his buissness, even though I don't want to. Back when I was a dancer....He was the one who made me quit."

I pulled him close and hugged him tightly.

"I understand."

We sat there for a long time, until we pulled back. I smiled at him.

"Cheer up Hobi!"
"Hobi?" He was confused.
"That's your nickname!"
He smiled. "Thanks."


Later as we were going out of our last classes, heavy raindrops started to fall on the ground. By the time me and Hoseok were exiting the building, it was so much rain we could barely see through it.

"Aish! I should have brought an umbrella.." Hoseok mumbled and looked at me.

I wrapped my arms around me as I knew we were walking home, because Hoseok's car were on reparation.

Suddenly a jacket covered my cold shoulders and Hoseok's familiar and calming smell surrounded me.

"Hoseok, you're going to catch a cold."
I looked at him with worry. He was only wearing a t-shirt.

"Rather me than you." He smiled as we walked. "I need to take care of my girlfriend."

I blushed and smiled. Then I took Hoseok's hand in mine, and we continued through the rain.


We got home and I went into the shower to heat myself up. I thought Hoseok would go shower in another bathroom, so I got surprised when I saw him sleeping in the bed.

I got over to him and put my hand on his forehead.

He has a fever! Oh no! It's all my fault!

I noticed he was still wearing the wet clothes. I walked over to his closet and found a pair of sweatpants and a

I can't believe I'm doing this. I thought to myself as I started to change Hoseok's clothes.

But he can't wear this anymore.

I quickly finished without him waking up. He must be really tired.

I softly dragged the blankets over him, and placed his head on the pillow.

I couldn't help but smile at him, even though he was sick. I softly pecked his forehead and stroke his hair.

Then I went downstairs to make Hoseok some soup, and to bring him medicine.

When I came up in the room again Hoseok were slightly awake.

"Hoseok! Are you okay? I'm sorry!"
He smiled.

"I'm fine. Don't worry, it's not your fault." I smiled too, and I remembered the soup in my hands.

"I brought some soup and medicine for you." I went over to his side and started to feed him.

After he took his medicine I made sure he drank the glass of water too.

After gulping it down he noticed his changed clothes, and I mentally prayed that he wouldn't ask about it. He would think of me as a pervert.

I guess nobody heard me, because the next thing I saw was a smirking Hoseok.

"Y/n? Did you change my clothes?"
He asked me in a teasing tone.

Heat spreaded on my cheeks.

"Hoseok, you should get some rest."
When I moved over him to cover him in the blankets again, he dragged me down so that I was laying on top of him.

And of course he took this opportunity to peck my lips. He smiled at me.

"Thank you for taking such good care of me." I smiled back and got back up before I crushed him.

"I hope you get better tomorrow." I said before walking out.

Ah! I truly love this guy!


Hi again!
I know you think of me as really lazy for not updating for almost a whole month, but I recently just have had less motivation and ideas to keep this story going.

And since I don't have a lot of expirience with writing I feel like what I write isn't good.

Also I know that I'm fast forward, but the big in this story isn't them getting together.

I hope you can forgive me, and keep reading! I will keep on trying my best!

By the way thanks for 133 reads!!! It was a huge shock to me and I feel so happy inside knowing somebody, maybe don't love, but actually read what I write!

Bye! I love you all so much❤

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