2: The Plan

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I lied. I did know what I wanted for my birthday. It was revenge. Hot, drenched,sweaty, revenge.

He's still alive,I know it. I can feel it in my bones and I will find him. He took my family,I'll take his live.

'Need a ride???' JJ asked, and I nodded as a response. JJ is the guy in charge of getting everyone without their powers to school while the others sped there. Luckily there were others in the car so, I didn't have to talk much. Keeping myself to myself, I looked out the window thinking the whole time until JJ tapped me signaling we were here. 

'You okayy ??' 

'Yeah,' I breathed 'Why wouldn't I be ??' answering his question with a question

'Just wondering,you need a ride after school??'

'Yeah, I actually do, do you mind??' Turning on my heel to look at him.

'Course not. That's what I'm here for.'

'Thanxs' Waving him goodbye

'See ya later.'

Making my way to the canteen where my friends and I always meet in the morning before lesson start to catch up.

'Took ya time' Luciana mumbles under her blood coated coffee. yes blood coated coffee I may not have my powers yet but I do know the smell of blood. We are vampires and we also eat and drink everything with blood.

'She's here now so you can chill your ass down' Rebecca commented

Rebecca and Luciana are the only people I let in to call my friends. Yes they're vampire but no their not like me. They have a mother and father who is alive and siblings who they live with but they live here not the third realm. All vampires that are alive or have made it live here in the human world and left the third realm. The third realm is where all the super naturals live: Witches, Wizards, Vampires, Werewolve, Mermaids, Shapeshifters, Half breeds, Hellhounds, Lucifer the devil himself. You name it, it's all there.

'Thank you Becca,' nodding to her in respect then turning to Anna, 'What's with you ??'

'I'm sorry guys, but we all know we need to get down to business....'

'Your birthday' Anna and Becca said the say time I said 'My birthday'

'We all know the minute you freeze and get your powers you're going after...it. Either boy or girl, man or woman. So where does that leave us ?? What's gonna happened to us ??'

'Well, I am still gonna have this conversation at the foster but I might as well say it now too. Everyone who is frozen will fight by me. All woman, man, teenager will fight by me. All vamp from the age of eight is already training. There are a lot of vamp who has lost someone important to them, that's how I know there will fight and I won't be by myself. We...a few of us go under cover into the third realm and try and get some allies, we can't do this by ourself. We need help and staying here won't get us those help. Slowly by slowly we start locating where the Weres are. Time to time we start killing, we get their attension by leaving trails to show we are still here and we're not dying without a fight. Then when the time is right, the big fight. Everyone. Together. Fight as a race. For the ones we lost...And there can only be one winner.'

'You really have planned this out haven't you??' Becca asked looking at me in detail

'You have no idea' I replied feeling dark and messed up inside

'Just don't get your self killed yeah, try and keep yourself alive for the big fight' Anna said in a slightly depressed tone

'Of course I will, thanks you two' Pulling them into a hug

'It's no problem' Anna replied

'Know we'll be fighting beside you proudly' Becca addressed pinching my cheeks

'Ahhh, I don't remember you having a choice in fighting anyway'

'True' they both laughed. The bell breaking our moment, we all groaned since we have a long 80minutes of Chemistry next.

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