17: Lucifer And The Hidden Angel

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It's been decided that we are no longer going to school. The Werewolves can decide to attack at any moment. It was even lucky for us that we knew about the war, if not we wouldn't have had a chance and they would have killed us merciless.

While I was asleep...I don't know. It feel like I can see/sense...something. I don't know where it was coming from or how it's even possible??

'Um.I have something to say and please don't ask how I know,' I started looking at the adults around me. After nodding their head suspiciously they looked at me waiting to finish my sentence. 'The Werewolves, they know that we know about the war that they have planned against us. They know that we have joined allies, they just don't know who with. So the Shapeshifters, Witches and Wizards are safe. The Weres have joined allies with two other Packs, the Dark Witches and Demons.'

'Ho-' someone started but I cut them looking nowhere exactly and replied

'I said please don't ask me how I know because not even I know the answer to that question'

'Ok,' Mr.Adam said taking a deep breath 'But with all the dark magic they have, no matter how hard we fight. It will never match to the-'

'Lucifer' I mumbled

'What ??'

'Joined allies with Lucifer'

'The devil himself ??' JJ and Adam said in  unison

'No Lucifer the Ice-cream man' I said rolling my eyes while they tried hiding their smiles 'Yes. Lucifer the Devil'

'But how do we know we can trust him and he won't dupe or play us' The witch of the west said

'Well there's only one way to find out' I said looking at all of them one of a time 

'You will get hurt!! You are not going and neither is any of us. That is out of the question. I'm sorry Tessa but that is the one person we won't go to.' Aunt Cara said not looking me in the eye


'No Buts Tessa, you're not going !!'

'Fine. Anyone here have a plans on how we're going to die ??' I asked and caught the glimpse of a little girl from the corner of my eye

'We're gonna die Tessa??'

'No. Of course not. We're just having a disagreement,' I said kneeling down to get to her height 'I'm justing saying that so they take me seriously' I whispered in her hears as Aunt Cara mumbled

'I heard that' which made the little girl laugh. I opened the fridge and loaded her with food so she won't remember the last few seconds.

Turning around and on her way out the Dinning room she said 'I believe in you Tessa.'

That honestly made my day. Using that against the adults I replied 'You see. These people believe in me and Us. Not taking risk will lead to people losing their lives.'

'You're still not going'

'Well fine. Just know I tried' I walked out and jogged up the stairs to my room where Dee was getting changed

'Hey' she smiled

'Hi,umm...can you do me a favour??' I asked not sure what she's gonna say

'Yeah sure' sitting down and looking at me 

'Promise me that you don't back out when you hear what I'm gonna say'

'Well I believe that what you and the rest benefits us so I won't back out' she said honestly

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