The Beginning

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 I wake up, and the first thing I see is the off-white ceiling, that'd darkened due to the light, or lack there of, of what's streaming through my curtains.

I sit up and immediately notice my aching back.

I silently curse this couch.

I look around, and I see my large white desk with the newest model computer, I personally bought myself, sitting in the corner of it. I see the beige tile that covers the floor and the minimal decoration, those of which are scattered papers, books and random files, laying around my already crowded desk.

I search for my phone, which happens to be in my long white lab coat pocket along with my other items including my pens, pencils, and pen-lights.

'7:23 p.m.' the screen flashes with those blinding bright bold numbers along with a message notification from my boss.

I click on the notification, and type in my pass code.

'Boss Lady'

-We have a couple of residents that are going to be working with us 'till they are allowed to get their medical license. There are five of them, and since you are the best neurosurgeon we have, you get first pick of two of them.- Sent 6:47 p.m.

-They should either be in their dorm houses, or getting a feel for the hospital by looking around. Oh, and please be nice. We want them to stay.- Sent 6:56 p.m.

I scoff, and stare at my phone thinking to myself.

'Kim Taehyung'

 -What? Why?- Sent 7:26 p.m.

'Boss Lady'

-Because you are the best neurosurgeon in this hospital, and those five people all want to be neurosurgeons. You will be the supervisor of two of them.- Sent 7:27 p.m.

-I am also this hospital's director. Stop speaking to me with no respect. You may hate me, but I can fire you.- Sent 7:27 p.m.

'Kim Taehyung'

-You need me more than I need you, so don't play that game. You'll lose either way, BOSS.- Sent 7:28 p.m.

I smirk.

'Boss Lady'

-They are instructed to line up by the emergency section's front desks at five a.m, tomorrow. You know what to do.- Sent 7:35 p.m.

I laugh  'What's got her undies in a bunch?' I think to myself.

I shut off my phone and place it back into my front coat pocket, and I go to my adjoining bathroom to freshen up and make myself presentable.

Then, I walk out of my office which has a keypad on the side. I hear the all too familiar sound of the door locking from the outside when I close it.

Normally, I'm reserved and quiet. I do my work quickly and perfectly, if I may add.

I basically live in my office, though I have an ocean view condo. I don't know, but it just doesn't feel right living there. It's like it's missing.... something that I just can't put my finger on.

I am very much a loner. I have an attitude and I'm highly intelligent. There, that about sums me up in less than three sentences.

I go down to the first floor and I walk all the way to the emergency section of the hospital.

"Hey, Doctor Kim! What's up? I didn't see you at t-" One of the girls at the front desk tries to say before I give her a look that automatically shuts her up.

I, instead, go to the man next to her, and lean on the counter.

"Anything?" I ask.

The emergency section is always crowded. Whether it's patients or doctors or nurses.

There's a pregnant lady in a wheelchair with her husband holding here hand.

'Probably having braxton hicks, or an early labor.' I think to myself as the male at the front desk looks up my schedule.

I also catch a glimpse of a male and female crying in a private room with another doctor that has his head down.

'We all know you purposely killed their mother.'

"No." That snaps me out of my thoughts.

"What?" I ask in disbelief.

"Yep," the male behind the counter, who's name is Christian, approves his said statement. "Nothing."

He types more on his computer.

"That.... That can't be right. I'm always full. I was gone for fifteen minutes, Beckings."

"Oh, wait... Yup, nothing. One of your residents did most of your rounds for you. He only left one or two patients because the weren't due for another checkup."

"How does he know what my schedule was!? How was he even let into the patients rooms?! Those people don't have faculty clearance yet so the most they can do is see what the general public sees. They don't get that luxury till tomorrow and even then it's limited." I fume quietly not making a big scene. "Where is this resident?"

"He said that after he was done he was going back to his dorm. He said he just wanted to get a feel for this place so-"

"So you let him in.... How idiotic can you be, I seriously wonder about you sometimes, Nurse Beckings. These are my patients. I'm the one responsible for them and if I find out that one of them is in critical condition or even dies because some 'know it all' rookie thinks he's gonna be the big man, who's the one getting their head chopped off by the directors? I am! And because these little interns are my responsibility, they won't even look at them!"

Christian is taken aback by outburst that screamed how irritated I was without me actually screaming for the sake of the people around me. "Don't do it again, Beckings. Come to me first. I don't care if I'm in my office, I don't care if I'm with a patient, come to me before some little prick decides to ruin my whole reputation!" I stare daggers at him and he nods slowly. "Same goes for all of you." Only the people behind the front desk can really hear what I was saying.

I sigh, and walk to all of my patients rooms checking them all again, not realizing that there was another person around the corner who heard me, aswell.

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