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We enter the hospital room and we see a plain hospital bed in the center of the room against the far wall, a window in the middle of the left wall, and a woman laying in the bed connected to an IV.

As if on queue, the woman wakes up, and Derek immediately runs up to her.

"Mom!" He shouts as he hugs her tightly.

"Derek, honey," She hugs him back as well as she can with the IV in the back of her hand. She then lets go. "Where am I? What- What happened?" She asks tilting her head a little a her son, confused.

"W-we were getting d-dressed because we w-were going to see the sun r-rise, and then you fell, and when I went to you, you were.. s-s-shaking, and I didn't know what to do! I knew we had a h-hospital nearby, and I brought you here.." The boy was stuttering, scared for his life that something is really wrong with his mother, He had tears filling his eyes. "I brought you here, and then... and t-then-"

"One of our staff members wasn't acting up to protocol and you fainted. My colleague and I took you into our care, and we tried to diagnose what was wrong. Me being a neurosurgeon, automatically wanted to test your neurological functions first and run blood work. I went through your medical history, and talked to your son to make sure I got the correct disorder." I finish for the kid, as the woman looks at me curiously. "Doctor Taehyung Kim, MD. I am the head neurosurgeon here. I basically run that department." I elaborate and the woman nods her head.

"Did you find out what was wrong?" She asks as I pull up a chair from the corner place it next to her. Derek sits in the chair already placed next to the bed for guests.

"Yes, by my observations, I concluded that you have early on-set Parkinson's Disease. I'll still probably need to perform a DaTscan to measure your dopamine level, but currently at this moment, I'd have to conclude Parkinson's." I explain, looking at the data in the photos. "It's not common for it to happen in people under 50, especially you being so young. Parkinson's is not a real major disease. You should still have the normal life expectancy, and be able to do whatever you want with the right medicines, like amantadine, Levodopa, and dopamine antagonists. There is also a DBS, or deep brain simulation, that should help significantly." Both the son and mother are listening tentatively.

"Unfortunately, I can't administer medicines to travelers. It's against the hospital protocol, and since i assume you're only going to be here for a little bit longer, I will happily recommend some neurosurgeons that are spectacular at their job and the do it for a very reasonable price. They are in your area, so it won't be a far distance."

"Ah, thank you, Doctor... But, may I ask a question?"

"Sure, go ahead."

"What are you guys going to do with that one man? I slightly remember him, and if I'm correct, he wasn't too... friendly."

"He is going to be taken up to the directors, and they will decide what to do with him. He's been getting multiple complaints since the beginning, so I honestly have no clue what they are going to do." I explain. "Any more questions you'd like me to answer?"

The kid then speaks. "How old are you, mister? And how do you know such good English?"

I chuckle a little. "I'm 23, and I've been in this business for five or so years now." I start. "And, English, Korean, and Japanese kinda go hand and hand with each other for me. I know them all fluently, and a couple extra here and there. I just kind of... wanted to learn those languages, so I studied. FYI, kid, if you want to go places in life, dream. Dream big and achieve greatness. Trust me." I wink to him.

Just then, we hear a low knock on the door, before it opens up revealing Jungkook in his normal attire. A white shirt, light blue jeans, a pair of Tims, and a short white lab coat. "I hope I'm not interrupting. Nurse Beckings told me you were up here on his way out." He says in accented English

"Oh, no, you're fine. I was just talking to these lovely people. Telling them treatments, and answering their questions." I say, and he comes up behind me, looking down at the files that I somehow left open.

Then I abruptly shut the files. "Jungkook!" then I realize what I said, and blush slightly. "I-I mean Doctor Jeon...(Just because Jungkook is not a doctor doctor, doesn't mean he's not considered a doctor. Though he's a resident, he's graduated from Med. School, and has obtained an MD. Therefore he's considered a doctor even though he's technically not a physician.)" I don't even need to look behind me to know that he's smirking. I then look up to the two who are eyeing us curiously. "Sorry, this is one of my residents, Doctor Jungkook Jeon." I introduce once my blush has died down, which didn't take long.

The woman smiles at us with something in her eyes. It's not until what Derek says that completely puts my body in a state of shock.

"Are you two.. dating?"

[Vkook] A Hospital RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now