1.9K 102 23

The rest of the day was as follows:

Check patients


Perform an emergency surgery

Get in a heated debate about politics

Check more patients




Update records


Before I know it, i'm showering in my office bathroom trying to keep myself awake for another day.

I wear a pair of ripped sky jeans, a plain white shirt, and a pair of Tims. I brush my teeth and apply a little bit of concealer under my eyes to hide the bags that have been on my face for a week straight, I counted, and walk out of the bathroom into my office.

I automatically see my disheveled 'bed', also called my couch, in the corner of my decently large office. I fix the problem by just folding my blankets, laying them on the arm of the couch, and just throwing my pillows in a somewhat neat mountain behind my desk.

I open my normally closed curtain because why not, and I do some light cleaning to my office so it doesn't look like some teen had a crash party or something. I also clean my bathroom just for the heck of it.

Soon it's 4:45 a.m., and I head down to the emergency entrance. I see a group of young adults in semi short white coats, clustered together by the front desks.


I walk up to them. There are four of them. Two females and two males.

"Hey, are you guys the residents?" I ask happily, even though i'm dying inside, already knowing the answer.

"Yes." One of the females says.

"Great! You all are here early." I say clasping my hands together figuring out as to why there's only four of them. "Now, starting off, I am going to be your supervisor till eight. Then, we will split you up depending on what you show me in these measly three hours. My name is -"

"Sorry! Sorry, I'm late!" A man comes running up from the back of the group.

I glare at him.

I look at my wrist.


"Lesson number one, Be early! If you're on time, you're late!" I say matter o factly.

"I'm sorry, Doctor..." The late male has his head down.

"Lesson number two. If you're late, the whole Korean Peninsula doesn't need to know. Don't say sorry. Don't speak. Catch up on what you missed from your peers later and act like you've been there the whole time." I look at him.

"Now, as I was saying, I'm your supervisor till eight, then you'll be split up. My name is Taehyung, but please call me Doctor Kim. I've been here for five years and i'm the lead neurosurgeon here in this hospital. Now, please explain who you are. Let's start from this lovely young lady over here and go left." I say gesturing to the woman on my far right who's blushing madly. I was already informed about who each person was, but we dont talk about that

"Um, hello, I am Lang Soo Ah and I'm a third year resident." Soo Ah has long straight black hair that's loosely braided. She has a small figure and is very petite, but not so much to where it looks unhealthy. She gives off a shy feeling which, honestly, she's not going to last long in this hospital if that's her personality

"My names is Choi Rose, and I am a second year resident. Rose has short wavy dark brown hair that's accompanied with a wavy left-side bang. She has hazel eyes, and her body is the complete textbook definition of perfect. Skinny yet curvy and fit but feminine, though she seems to give off this 'brat' sort of vibe. I can already tell that she's going to be a handful.

"I'm Kim Namjoon and a fifth year resident." Namjoon has short light brown hair, and looks a little younger than all the rest despite being in a higher position. But, who am I to criticize age in this business?

"Park Jimin. Second year resident." Jimin is a short male with short blonde hair. He's pretty scrawny compared to the other two males, but I can tell his determination.

"I-I'm Jeon Jungkook... I'm a third year resident." Jungkook says with his head down.

How fake can someone be?' I internally scoff as I look at his body language.

"Okay, well before we actually get started, do you guys have any questions for me?" I ask.

"I'm sorry to ask this, but how old are you?..." Soo Ah asks.

"Yeah that's fine. Most questions are accommodated in the long run, so I encourage you to ask them no matter what they may be." I say with a smile. "I am actually 23 years old."

I can literally feel the shock radiating off of them.

"How!?" Jungkook asks.

I look at him.

I smile.

I wink.

[Vkook] A Hospital RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now