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"Alright Mrs. Yang, you know how this goes, but I'm still finding something that's not right..." I tell the elderly lady, who's taken on a motherly role for me.

"Ah, darling, don't worry about it. I think that all of the stuff I did as a kid is finally catching up with me." She laughs, as she sits in a chair in front of my desk.

I have two offices. Every established doctor at this hospital has two. A public one, and a private one. The public one, for public affairs-examining, talking to patients- and the private one for our private needs. Accompanied with a bathroom, the private office is where everything mainly happens. It's like a mini apartment with just a living room and bathroom.
The private office is where we do all of the classified business. All of our patients' files are on the computer, as well as a hard copy in a secure filing cabinet.

The public office is more of a check up room. It can have the patient's file on the computer and it can be updated, but the doctor has to clear everything personal off of it when they're done seeing that patient.

It's just a safety precaution this hospital takes really seriously. If anyone is caught stealing personal information for themselves, a third party, or just being a spy, they will go to a maximum security prison. 25 to life.

This is a way to insure our patients' privacy while still giving them the service they deserve.

"I know we took out the clot, but i found something that didn't appear previously in other test, simply because we were just looking for leaks." I say, turning my computer away from me, and towards her. "See that little dot there?" I ask, pointing to a small dark gray circle. "It's like its lodged in there. When Doctor Lee took the scans when you were here before, I don't know why he missed this..." I say, turning the screen back to face me.

"Is it serious?" She asks.

"I can't tell. It looks like its resting on your cerebellum. Have you been experiencing balance issues, or muscle spasms? Most importantly, do you know how you could have gotten this?"

"No, not anything I don't expect to come with age, and my memory isn't like how it was when I was twenty, so I can't give you an accurate answer."

"Well, this is most definitely a piece of metal. We have tested your blood multiple times and nothing has come up out of the ordinary." I look at the blood results we did just recently. "Your sugar is pretty good, and your A1C is 5.2, so we can rule out your diabetes...that's really the only thing out of place. Based on the results of the test, everything is working properly aside from your pancreas. So, whatever this thing is, it's not harming your body... But I want to get it out, just in case."

"Whatever you say, my cutie pie." She squeezes my left cheek. "Do you need me to stay?"

"Oh, no ma'am." I reply. "But i'll definitely give you a call when I figure out what this is, or when I get a better understanding of this situation. We just had you undergo a surgery... but please come back in if you feel anything unusual."

She smiles, and nods.

After she left, I send the file back up to my personal computer, and clear everything off of this one.

It's around 7:10 a.m. by the time I make it inside of my personal office to examine the file a little more.

Jungkook went to a cafe to get coffee and something to eat, so he should be back soon.

A couple of minutes later, as I'm still trying to figure this thing out, I hear a knock on my door.

I curse under my breath before I make my way to the door.

I open the door to find Jungkook with a bag and two cups of coffee in a tray.

"Hey," he says. I just smile slightly, the case still going through my head.

'It's lodged deep in her brain, and it's too... Shaped, to be just a piece of shrapnel. But, what I do know is that it's resting on her cerebellum, and I want to take it out.'

Then, I realize that Jungkook is still in the doorway.

"Oh, hi. Come in." I force out, before going back to my desk, spinning a little as I plop down on my seat.

The smile on his face disappears as he hurriedly closes the door, and sets the food and coffee on my desk before coming up behind me. He wraps his arms loosely around my neck, and rests his head on the top of mine.

"What's wrong?" He asks immediately looking at my computer screen filled with different MRI images I took of the elder's head.

"I don't know! That's what's wrong..." I say as I slump In my chair.

"Okay, love, talk to me. What's going on?" Jungkook asks.

I turn around In my chair so that I  face him. He retracts his hands.

I sigh. "So I have this patient who has a round piece of whatever metal suck in her head, and I can figure out what it is!" I exaggerate, hugging his abdomen since he's still standing. "I know I'm overreacting, but I want to know what this is! I need to know if it's serious, because this patient just had a surgery, and I don't want to put her through that again so soon, and it's just, ugh!"

Jungkook rubs my back soothingly, while looking at the screen.

After a few minutes, I feel him tense up.

"Wait," he starts before pausing for a while. I take my hands off of his lower back and scoot out of his way, as he leans slightly towards my screen, just enough to reach the mouse.

He does something to the screen for a moment, as I turn around to see what he's doing.

His eyes narrow, as he gets multiple angles of the piece of metal. "Don't tell me that, that is what I think it is..." he trails off.

"What?" I ask, staring at the exact same thing. My mind coming to a blank.

"Is that a...

...pellet bullet?"

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