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"Oh, and I also did blood work. You should be getting it back sometime later today." Christian says, standing up from the seat. "I also ran fingerprints, and her name is Rosanne Peters, 34, single mother of one, Derek Peters, 13, and it looks as if she was visiting here just for Derek's spring break vacation. Here's her file containing all of the medical record and data I could find about her.

"Ah, thank you! You are a life saver." I express, now holding two files in my hand. "And jeez, was I seriously gone that long?"

"Not really, but when you work behind a computer for a living,  you get some perks." He wiggles his hands in front of my face. "Well, I should be going. My shift ends soon anyway, and you have some... business to take care of." He directs his attention to the little boy before staring back up at me. "I'll take Ms. Peters to room 274A, and I'll update her files as soon as I get back to my desk." I thank him again, and he walks out, placing the patient on a hospital bed, and rolling her out.

I turn to the boy, and he's already looking at me with tear stained cheeks. I would be lying if I said that didn't make make my heart drop for a moment.

I put on a smile, and hold out my hand gesturing him to take it. After a few moments, he does.

I walk him out of the MRI room, and bring him to the back of the hospital. Outside is a concrete path with nature all surrounding it. Doctors, staff, and patients normally come out here just to get out. It's just a little square area in the middle of an outlet in the hospital. (Basically the  hospital surrounds the area, but it's still outside)

 (Basically the  hospital surrounds the area, but it's still outside)

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We take a walk side by side, not holding hands anymore. Derek looking down the whole time we've been out.

"What's your name, kid?" I ask.

"D-D-Derek." He stutters slightly. "Where's my mother? What's... Wrong?" He asks, getting straight to the point.

"I will need to ask you a few questions, Derek, if that's alright with you." I sit down on one of the seats, and he does too.

He stays quiet. Nodding slightly.     

"Now, I want you to think back to the very day your mother has ever had any signs of anything, okay?" I ask. He nods again.

"Has your mother ever been feeling more tired than usual?" I ask.

"I- I don't know! Maybe..? I'm sorry..." The boy says, breaking down in tears.

"Shh, it's okay, it's okay. You're not in trouble. Your mother is going to be okay, sweetheart." I try to reassure Derek, while i'm wiping his tears with my thumb gently. "But, I want you to think, okay? Think really hard. Breath in through your nose, and out from your mouth." I do the actions I told Derek, and soon he copies me. "Good." He calms down, and nods his head telling me to continue, though, I'm a little hesitant.

"So, um, lets try this a different way." I say, an idea coming to my head. "Tell me what your mother has been doing that's kinda out of the ordinary. Like what does she do or act like now, that she didn't before? What didn't she do that now she does?"

Derek stares into the sky, and thinks for a moment. "Well, She hasn't been more tired, but less tired. Like she's scared to sleep." Derek says after a moment. "She's been very, i don't know, anxious? Like she's kind of restless, in a way? Oh, and her hands twitch a lot. I remember one time we were back in America, and we were at home tending to the garden, and Mom was watering the plants. Then all of a sudden, she drops the tin. Water went all over her, and she seemed like she was like lost in space for a minute, before I finally went over to her, wondering what was wrong."


"And she's been wobbly. Like, when we go to the store, she always has to lean on the basket. Usually, she'll have me take it and she'll do the shopping, but recently, it's been the other way around."

"Ahh, well,  you've answered all the questions I needed." I smile brightly. "Now, would you like to go see your mother? She should be awake by now..." I say, standing up.

"Yes!" He shouts happily in Korean, and we skip to the mother's room, me getting weird looks from people as I skip past. 

Right before we enter the room, Derek stops.

"Doctor? Will my mother be okay?" he asks timidly. 

I smile sadly down at him, before pinching his cheeks. "Of course~ Especially when she has you to stay by her side, and take care of her~" The boy giggles a little, before we walk in to the room.


Fun Fact:

I actually once skipped with a patient's daughter around the hospital while the mother was just done from surgery and still unconcious from the anthestetics she was on. It was to distract the little girl for a while until her mother woke up. Her other family was there, but we just played the whole time until the mother woke up.

One of the best days of my life

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