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I don't really like angst that much. Sure i'll put a little arguing and things of that nature in, but in my stories , unless they're my one shots, You will never find any cheating between the main ship, or domestic abuse between the main ship either. I have to deal with the neurological stand point when those cases come up on a daily, and trust me when I say 98% of my stories will be happy endings because I know the pain those types of things cause psychologically, and it's not pretty.


Sweat drips down every crease it can find.

 A scream is the only thing that resonates through my house.

"A dream... It was all a dream," I tell myself. "But, what does it mean?"

They say dreams are memories. Distorted memories. But they say visions are revelations. A mix between the future and the past. Deja-vu some might say. 

I look at my alarm clock.

'4:50 a.m.'

For once in my life, I slept in my condo. After Jin an Yoongi left, I was exhausted. I couldn't function, so went to my room, and passed out. It was as if my mind when into some comatose state, and just shut down the minute I hit the pillow.

I feel like shit.

But, I get up anyway. I get dressed, and go to the hospital. I have emergency room duty today.

Unlike most doctors, I like checking up on my patients. I rarely let anyone else even in my patients' rooms, unless I'm desperate. Like just recently. Jun is sorta my back up doctor. If I need a second opinion, or if I'm just too stressed out to do my rounds, that's the guy I call. Despite our differences, he's a semi good guy.

Before I go to the emergency section, I have to make a pit stop at my office. I don't take my white coat with me places, so I have to go get it from my closet.

I walk into the hospital, and give everyone a death glare that screams 'don't fuck with me'. They should be used to it by now, so i've noticed it doesn't cause mass shock.

When I go to my office door, I see a figure resting it's back on the door frame.

'What is he doing here?'

Once he sees me, he immediately stands up.

"Tae..." I don't even give him the time of day, or early morning in my situation. I open my office door, and walk in.

"Tae, listen to me." He follows me in my room, and I just go to my closet, searching through all of the clothes.

"Taehyung!" He walks up to me, and pulls my arm forcefully, so I face him. "Look at me." I keep my head turned to the side. "I said look at me, God dammit!" He uses his free hand to jerk my head so he's staring into my eyes.

My eyes are filled with tears that don't have the pride to drop. My face is hard, and the only thing screaming that i'm  torn, is the multitude of tears just waiting to disappear down my face.

"What happened back there? What is going on?" Jungkook asks.

"I don't know, okay!?" I finally break, tears running down my cheeks. "My whole life, i've been told to know everything. Know multiple languages. Know the difference and functions between the cerebellum, and the cerebrum. Know the presidents of the United States, and I dont even live in the States! Know how to hide my emotions behind a facade. But no one's ever taught me how to deal with them. No one's ever taught me how to break down my walls. How to be who I really am. No one's ever taught me how to love!"

"All my damn life, i've lived shutting people out,  because that was all I knew how to do. But, when I finally want to have something, feel something, it blows up in my face! I almost killed someone, thinking about you! I had a mental breakdown, because I didn't know what to feel anymore. I am confused, Jungkook. I can't do this! You only have a month or so left, before you're moving somewhere else, and  I- I don't think I can live with that." Jungkook stares at me with a sad expression and a few tears that have run down his cheeks, before, he engulfs me into a hug.

"I promise I won't leave you. Yeah, I have to go to a different hospital soon, but I can talk with the head of my residency program to work something out. But Tae, you have to promise me not to keep anything else bottled up like this. If I'm here to stay, I'm here to listen. I will always listen to you no matter what, just tell me this stuff. I trust you , Tae. I trust and love you enough to put my whole career to shame if it means staying with you, but you have to trust me. You have to let down all of these walls you have, and let me in. Let me repair what you thought will always stay broken. Let me love you the way you should be loved."

I pull away slightly, just enough to look into his eyes.

"One chance, Jeon. If you screw this up..." I breath out. "I will trust you with the same trust you give me. I will love you with the same love you give me. Fix me, Jungkook. Please." 

Jungkook kisses my forehead. "One chance is all I need."

[Vkook] A Hospital RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now