Sweetmates and shits

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Okay, I just need to use the bathroom

This is what it usually should look like from my bathroom entrance, and the door straight across is my sweetmates room

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This is what it usually should look like from my bathroom entrance, and the door straight across is my sweetmates room.

BOTH of my sweetmates now have boyfriends, and they also bring a friend and one of their boyfriends' brothers.

And they're constantly fucking and making out in the bathroom area.


That's the space my roommate and I fucking SHARE.

Guess who's making out right now??

Fricken Maddie (friend of roommate) and Amber's boyfriends' younger brother

And guess who has to take a fucking shit????

Fucking ME

I'm definitely not taking one in the public bathroom downstairs, fuck that.

I've eaten so much because one of my teammates brought me subway since I let her hang out in my dorm room for a while.

The stomach is hurtin', y'all.

I couldn't be happier that my high school men's basketball team lost THAT MUCH

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I couldn't be happier that my high school men's basketball team lost THAT MUCH.

the fucking AP Prep Scores has to ask JUST to be sure that the score was correct.

My high school lost ALL of its seniors last year, that's the only reason why we were so good. Now they fucking suck, and I couldn't be happier.

And why is Taylor Swift so beautiful

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And why is Taylor Swift so beautiful. Oh my lord.

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