Wow I suck

65 13 12

Lmao you know you were absolute shit in your game when you see this

Lmao honestly I told my mom to call him bc he legit made us do a defense we learned TODAY and nobody knew what to do

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Lmao honestly I told my mom to call him bc he legit made us do a defense we learned TODAY and nobody knew what to do.

The other team obviously watched fucking film because when I go in the game in the 2nd quarter (UM WHAT THE FUCK?!), the whole team on the bench were like "SHOOOOTTEERR SHE'S ON THE COURT, SHOOOTEEEER!"

Fucking annoying.

Let me go jump off a bridge right now.

It's so frustrating because I can't PRODUCE ANYTHING after sitting on the bench and getting cold again, it's fucking hard.

Somebody shoot me bc I didn't score at all lmao, I'm a joke. Every time I took a step on the court, all I could hear are super annoying loud-squealing pitched voices shrieking "SHOOTER SHE'S RIGHT THERE"

I'll go home now.

Last game on Wednesday some asshole on the other team called me a bitch.

We were just going for a rebound lmao, she got mad as hell and said, "Try me one more time, bitch."

Funny how she airballed a layup when I was guarding her down low, and she's a post player 💁

I fucking hate myself, somebody make a pun down below.

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