Wow Nalu writing?

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Why do I break my own heart

It's not a oneshot, but it's in one of my Nalu stories—-

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It's not a oneshot, but it's in one of my Nalu stories—-

Which is like, two.

You got a 50/50 chance of guessing.

Lmao this isn't even a near part, it's sometime WAAAYYY in the future that I don't even know I'll get to writing.

But just in case if you guys wanted a sneak peak, of something, that may come out in like a year.

That's depressing.

I'm crying in the club.

Just to let y'all know, I was ORIGINALLY supposed to get a 72/100 on my math final

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Just to let y'all know, I was ORIGINALLY supposed to get a 72/100 on my math final.

God bless the person with the highest score of 94 because our teacher rounded up everyone's grade 6 points so now it was at a 78.

It gets better.

He messaged us saying that there was a mistake on the first problem, and that some people got extra credit for doing something right apparently?

Bîtch I was one of those people

And now my final's sitting at an 81.

I literally did nothing to get those 9 points lmao.

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