Stop it you high school chicks

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Ok that's it

That is. I'm DONE.

If I have to read one more rant about this- it's a no from me

I'm reading way too many rants about not being asked to homecoming

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I'm reading way too many rants about not being asked to homecoming. Saying "oh all the boys coming up with cute ideas and asking all the girls and I'm here like-"

Bitch, STOP.

Go ask a boy. Ask a girl. My senior year y'all KNOW I was the one asking a boy to homecoming AND prom. I did it with a sign and everything and they said hell yes.

It's not anyone's job to ask you. You can literally go ask someone. No ones holding you back.

I swear to god, it's okay for a girl to ask a guy. Why? Cuz I've fucking done it. Have some confidence, ladies. Men are trash anyways. You don't have to have a date, go with some friends. I will fucking lose it if I have to read one more rant about being lonely for homecoming.

Be a bad bitch and do whatever the fuck you want for homecoming.

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