Not My Snapchat Story

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I think I've officially scarred my eyes and life forever.

Only in Hawaii, will you see somebody put this on their snap story.

One of my not-so-close dorm friends, he's just a person I see on a regular basis, there's no beef or anything, recorded something—

And it was fucking PORN.

Don't lose your shit yet.

It wasn't humans fucking against a wall outside on the university campus.

It was two fucking flies.


What the hell is wrong with people.

Why would you record an insect fucking another one.

What kind of stress level are you on from finals to video bug porn

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What kind of stress level are you on from finals to video bug porn.

They were fucking doggy style too, I shit you not.

My eyes did NOT have to see that shit zoomed in either. That was nasty as Satan's ballsack oh my god.

Well, I guess those'll just be two cutiefly's fucking in alola.

The flies were doing wallsits while fucking, and now I can't stop cringing and laughing at the same time wondering if Jesus will let me in heaven after seeing that sinful moment.

Nothing can get that shit out of my brain now, it's just stuck there forever.

Wow I really need next Tuesday to come so I can FLY back home.

That's a terrible pun.

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