Sorry y'all

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About my recent update, just to let y'all know I was really triggered.

It wasn't about the comments, cause in all honestly I wouldn't have reacted the way I did.

The main factor: Umm I almost threw hands at some bitch on the other team because she wouldn't shut the fuck UP.

She was just mad I popped a three right in her eye.

Like bitch stop saying you can guard me when you honestly can't with those ankles.

But seriously, this team shouldn't have won, and I swear to my living soul we'll beat their ass next time.

They really like to talk shit, and we weren't having it. The refs could barely control the fricken game, so that's why there wasn't many fouls called even if there should've been.

All in all, my triggeredness led me blasting stupid shit on media, even if I did try to tone it down to not sound pissed off. Just want to formally let y'all know it wasn't anyone here who's at fault, they're all good.

It was a shitty game against a fake-ass team we lost to by 10 points.

Our team made 2/8 three's, guess I was the only one who made them 🤷🏼‍♀️

At least I was 100% from shooting, that's literally the only positive thing I can take away from the game.

I'm pretty relaxed now that my 6 hour flight is over and I'm back home, another reason I wasn't active the past day

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I'm pretty relaxed now that my 6 hour flight is over and I'm back home, another reason I wasn't active the past day.

Lot of tears. Going to see my best friend today.

Apparently now one of my cats meows at the fucking toilet everytime someone flushed it? My mom told me on the way back home.

My oldest brother has a girlfriend.

Forgot how damn cold it is here.

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