Chapter 2

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Saturday morning i woke up feeling, nothing. Its hard to describe the feeling. I pulled back my covers and sat up. I never woke up once last night, that's a good sign right? I opened my phone and tapped on the social media folder. I opened one of the chat apps, my heart felt weak.

'Yes Alli has finally gone!'

'Finally the school halls smell nice. Must of gotten rid of a bad smell ;)'

'Its nice knowing your no longer 'locker neighbours' with a slut'

There was more. My eyes went blurry with the skin of tears that covered them. Everyone was so happy that I was gone. I felt the slight urge to delete the app but instead i questioned whats the point? I need to know what people think about me, not want - need.

My mind started to go wild with thoughts and ideas. My heart started beating faster and a lump grew in my throat. I felt like i couldn't breathe. What if things don't turn out right here? I'll have to go back to England, where everyone still hates me? I just wish there was someone who understood.

I stood up and pushed the doors to the balcony open. I quickly rushed outside and took in the gust of wind that hit me. The weather here is much nicer than England weather, however my fair skin shouldn't really be in the sun to long.

I held a rail and looked down of the balcony. I saw a path with flowers growing around it. I wiped one of my eyes and saw the crumbs of mascara lie on my fingertips. I looked at the sky, it wasn't cloudy - it was really warm.

I slowly made my way back into my room. I picked up my iPad my father sent for my 15th birthday, i opened Netflix and watched a good film. This is basically how i wish to spend my weekend? Tucked up, alone, watching films.


My weekend was good, exactly how i wished it to be? My Dad was working for most of the weekend so i only saw him a couple of times. Bob bought all my school supplies for me, what a good man.

I pushed back my covers and stood up. I lifted my arms up, yawned and stretched. I slowly walked into the bathroom and grabbed a towel from the side. I took off my pajamas and climbed into the shower.

The hot water felt amazing against my skin. I washed my hair and body then got out. I opened the wardrobe, I honestly had no idea for what to wear. In England we have uniform. I grabbed a pair of light blue jeans then got a white long sleeved top, then threw a jacket over it.

I brushed my hair and applied my light makeup. I picked up the brush of the side, it was posh and contained brown hairs similar to my own. Suddenly i heard a knock on the door,

"Hello Alli." It was Bobs voice.

"Yeah Bob, come in" I said placing the brush down.

He walked in wearing a chefs apron, it was quite humerus! I giggled.

"What? Is there something in my mustache?" He said looking at his long mustache.

"No. no. your aprons bright pink!" I laughed.

"Well I like it! Pancakes downstairs" I've only ever tasted pancakes a couple of times. I weren't intending on eating anything, but pancakes are an exception.

I grabbed my bag from the chair beside me. I took my phone of the desk and headed down stairs.

I walked into the kitchen and was greeted by a cheery Bob, holding a plate of pancakes. I smiled and pulled a high chair out from under the counter. I sat on top of it and picked up the knife and fork sitting on a napkin next to me.

Bob put the plate in front of me and i ate about 2 and was full up! After i finished Bob was dropping me off at school. I grabbed my phone and put my bag on my shoulder. I continued outside then jumped into the car.


I walked out of the headteachers office. I was handed a timetable by his narky sectary.

(A/N - Idk how many lessons you have a day in America but in England its ttypically 5 so I'm going to just use that)

I held it up and put my finger on the Monday colom. First lesson was I.C.T followed by English. I looked up from the sheet to find a crowded hallway. I got a couple of stares and whispers, i'm new its expected - isn't it? I tried to walk through but received numerous pushes and moves.

I was told there was a locker painted yellow with stars on the outside that nobody was using. I looked over and next to every ones heads whilst journeying through the corridor, to try and find the locker. Eventually at the end of the corridor, the less crowded end i found it. I opened it and placed my bag inside then attached a lock on the front.

I turned around and suddenly a body came crashing towards me. I fell on the floor and the body stood standing over me. I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment, i picked my phone up that had fell next to me. I rubbed my hands over my jeans. The body held out a hand, i took it thankfully.

I was helped stand, when i was balanced i smiled. I looked up it was a boy. His hair was a golden colour it shone brightly under the hall lights. His eyes were brown and lit up perfectly. His lips were most amazing, they looked smooth and not to mention his smile!

Anyways, i'm not bothered hes just a stupid boy. He smiled back at me, i looked at the floor then realized our hands were still holding.

"Sorry about that! I'm Matthew, i mean Matt" He said then laughed slightly.

"You don't sound so sure, you can let go off my hand now."I said then slid my hand away from his. He looked confused.

"Whats your name?" He asked.

"Haven't you heard there's a new girl? Surely you must off?" I said in the most annoying voice i could force out.

"Your Allison?" He asked, i nodded.

"You seem disappointed, whoops sorry not sorry." I said pushing past him, i really never wanted to be late for my first lesson.

"No its not that it's just, well i don't know." He said, he seemed nervous. He grabbed my wrist to try and stop me walking away.

"Let go off my arm now!" I shouted, it came out in a stern tone. Way to go Alli you've been here like 10 minutes and are already pushing people away.

I felt his fingers drop slowly off my wrist, i placed my hand in my pocket hiding the pain i was feeling.

"Whoa sorry. Just trying to be nice." He said, he seemed offended. I turned away and began walking.

"Whatever." I said quietly whilst walking away. Something hit me hard, in the chest. It was like a strike of guilt. Maybe he was just trying to be nice but i ruin everything, as usual.


It was lunch time, i decided not to get anything. I was walking down the hall when someone grabbed the top of my arm.

"Hey Alli where are you going?" I turned around to face the voice.

It was only Becky, a girl from most of my classes. I moved so her hand fell releasing my arm. She was pretty. She had a perfect figure and beautiful skin but was darker than me. She was clever and seemed kind too? Note to self : Alli you cant push everyone away so try?

I smiled and replied,

"Just to the bathroom, I don't feel like dinner. Next lesson is geography so I'll see you then?" It came out more of a question rather than a statement.

"OK See ya!" She said in a perky voice. I walked away and smiled, maybe I could have a friend?

So what do you guys think? I know its not the best story but i tried ha! By the way Alli and Matt aren't gonna hate each other forever, hopefully! OK so comment, vote, follow idk whatever you want haha! <3

-t (:

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