Chapter 3

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Turns out Becky doesn't live that far from me. I grabbed my bag from my locker and started walking down the corridor. Becky was next to me on her phone.

I suddenly got that feeling when someone looks at you. I looked up and turned around, Matt the boy from earlier wasn't far behind me. He was staring at me, I quickly spun around and bowed my head. Becky looked at me surprised then looked behind to see why i was ducking.

She suddenly shouted and ran behind us. I turned around calling her back, she was lost in a crowd of teenagers. I continued to walk on i made my way out of the crowd and looked around. I called Becky's name and waited for a response.

"Alli!" I heard someone yell.

I turned around quickly and stood in shock. Becky was with him, she was with Matt. She was standing close to him but even closer to his friend. I nodded and walked towards them. Great! Well done Alli.

"Hey Alli its me again" Matt said. Yeah my memory isn't that bad Matt.

"Yes Matt" I said then looked away.

"So this is Carter" Becky said. She pointed to her 'close friend' Carter. He was an Asian boy and extremely cute! I nodded as a response.

"Are you guys walking home?" Becky asked them she looked at me whilst waiting for the response. I shook my head slowly trying to not make it obvious that I didn't want to walk with them.

"Yeah we are, wanna walk?" Carter said. Oh gee this should be fun ugh! Why do they have to walk home ugh! I guess I couldn't just have some driver pick me up now. I got out my phone and sent Bob a text 'Walking home with new friends, don't need a lift thanks x' He replied soon after, 'No problem have fun! Not too much! (;'

I smirked whilst reading it.

"C'mon Alli" Becky called from in front of me, i looked at her then caught up.


Halfway through the walk Becky started linking Carter and he was doing the same.

"I'll take it there a couple then" I said out loud. I heard Matt giggle then reply,

"No,Just 'Close Friends'" Emphasizing the Close Friends. I smiled as he said it.

"Sorry" I replied. I had no intention on replying something just came over me. The guilt must of made me feel sorry. I flushed red after saying it.

"Don't be i shouldn't of grabbed you, that sounded bad. Anyways I'm sorry too. Lets start again." He replied with a small laugh. Damn his laugh was cute! I smiled then looked at him.

"Hello nice to meet you, I'm Allison but you can call me Alli" I kept the smile whilst saying it. I then held out my hand for him to take it. He did, then smiled back.

"Hello I'm Matthew, but you can call me Sexy" I scoffed as he said it.

"Yeah you wish!" I said with a small laugh. Oh crap! What if he took that in offence? I'm so bad at talking to people. I looked down then placed my hands in my pockets. I heard him laugh but I was still concerned.

"Oh look guys its Alli" Said a tall shadow. It was Hailey a girl from one or two of my classes. All day her and her friends have made small comments and jokes about me. I completely ignored her.

"Would you like a cup of tea?" They were all saying doing actions, trying to mimic the English accent. Someone shoved me, hard, I fell into a wall I was walking alongside. I looked up to see if Matt, Becky or Carter had noticed. I couldn't see them.

"You don't look posh, rich or pretty enough to be British. Actually you dont look pretty enough to be a human being!" Hailey said. I never reacted, i tried to shove past them. They blocked me in. I would never cry in front of them. What a great first day this is! Note the sarcasm..

"OK whatever bye" I tried to say before getting pushed back to the wall. I get told constantly to ignore them so what am i supposed to do ignore the stares, the rumours? Or just stand there and get called names or hit?

Suddenly a hand came through the crowd. It was Matt, thank the lord. I took it and he pulled me out of the center of there circle. He looked concerned. I looked back at Hailey she was so mad that Matt helped me. I carried on walking, memories of England flooded back. My cheeks went red and my eyes felt as if they were being pricked with sharpened needles.

"Are you OK?" Matt asked after about 4 awkward minutes. I looked him in the eyes,

"I'm Fine" This seemed to be my biggest lie.

"Lets go the milkshake bar around the corner, take your mind off them" He said with a smile.

"Whatever." I shrugged. I really didn't care what happened right now, I was still shaken.

"OK" He said softly. The smile slowly slipped from his mouth.


We got into the milkshake bar, and I told Carter, Matt and Becky I was going the bathroom. I ran into the toilet stall and slammed the lid down. I sat on the toilet lid and burst into tears. I've been here for one day how can people already possibly hate me?

I can't tell anyone because they wont understand. I hate my life so much. I opened my bag and took out my mirror. Underneath the reflective surface was a gap. That's were I hide my blade. I took it out and twirled it around my fingers. The urge to cut was unreal.

I put the metal onto my skin but didn't push. I was teasing my skin, thinking it would get the satisfaction it wanted but then I took it away. I put it back behind the mirror. I really wanted to but whats the point?

I opened the door and met the mirror outside. I wiped my eyes and redone my mascara.

I walked outside like I was fine when the truth is i'm the complete opposite. What am I going to do? Everyone hates me and I haven't done anything. I'm always going to be and think I'm imperfect.

I saw the others at a table. They had ordered me a drink already. I drank some then text Bob, 'Ever heard of a place called Slurp It Up!?' I put the phone down and waited for a reply.

"Why did Hailey do that then?" Matt asked breaking the silence.

"I don't know Matt?" I said then put my head down. I wasn't in the mood for discussing it.

"Well are you going to do something about it?" He said. I know he was trying to help but seriously it weren't.

"No Matt! Of course i'm not. What can I actually do?" I said. It came out as a question. My phone buzzed and i unlocked it. 'I'm outside! (; i was round the corner fetching groceries anyway' Bob text.

"Gotta go home, bye" I said then walked out. I looked back and Matt looked worried.

I walked outside and felt the sun on my face. I looked around the car park looking for Bobs car. I finally spotted it then ran over. I just want to go home and sleep.

So I know this chapter was kinda boring, but i tried ha ha! So Matt is trying with Alli but she kinda pushes people away. If anyone wants to design a cover for the book tweet me them @_okayash . Comment what you think should happen next and don't forget to vote! Thanks

-t (;

i'm only human//matthew espinosaWhere stories live. Discover now