Chapter 10

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I grabbed my bag from my locker and headed outside. Suddenly a foot appeared in my path, i didn't notice till to late. I tripped and cut my knee. I stood back up and saw Hailey smile and walk away. Matt ran over.

"Are you ok?" He asked frantically.

"Yes Matt i'm good, come on" I said forcing out a smile.

"You are getting cleaned up first, my house?" He said more of a demand.

"Ugh fine" I replied. I guess there was really no choice.

We were walking the Matt passed me an earphone. I grabbed it and put it in. Justin Bieber - Fall came on, at first i thought what is he getting at here? But then i just enjoyed the music.

We got to Matt's house. It was medium sized, and very cozy. He unlocked the door and was greeted by his sister, "Camille hey" He said. "Matt!!" She shouted back. "Ohh a girl" She said. I guess she was referring to me. I smiled politely.

She winked then walked out the room. We made our way to the kitchen. Matt went to the fridge and got out two bottles of water. I turned around and noticed Matt's baby photos on the wall. I smiled,

"Don't even laugh!" Matt said. I tried to stop, "I don't think i can, your hair awe" I said in a giggle. "Oh whatever sit down" He said in a laugh. He pulled a chair out. I sat down and smiled. I had ripped jeans on so i pulled one of the rips further so it was more accessible.

He grabbed a wet cloth and dabbed the cut, i flinched. "It's OK" Matt smiled. It wasn't OK, it stung like crazy!!

But still i smiled, and let him continue to clean it. He finished and i was still sitting on the high chair, he was sitting on a low chair beneath me.

he grabbed my hands and cupped them in his, it made me feel warm. He looked up at me and smiled, i stared into his big brown eyes. I couldn't help it but i really liked him. He was nice and sweet and different.

He leaned forward and so did i. Then he placed his lips on mine. They were soft and i could taste the mint through the kiss. I smiled and moved my hands further down his arms. He stood up and put his hands to the back of my neck. I pulled away and looked at him, "But Matt?" I said.

"But nothing, I love you and nothing will ever stop that, even if you don't love me back your in my heart now"
He smiled.

"I do Matthew Espinosa, your special" I said with a small laugh. He gave me a quick kiss and said, "So are you". I kissed his cheek, and looked back at the clock.

"I have to go" I said. "Okay" He replied. "Great" I said back. "Great" He replied smiling. "Don't look at me like that!" I said to him, he continued to look in my eyes. "Like what?" He said, clearly understanding what he was doing. I walked towards his front door.

"Don't stare at me" I said feeling embarrassed. "Why not, I love looking at beautiful things?" He replied sweetly. I chuckled, "Well then stare at your dog, im not beautiful so don't waste your time" I said smiling and looking back at him. "Yeah but i don't have a crush on my dog?" He laughed.

"You have a crush on me?" I asked, i felt butterflies. "Of Course Allison Kingsley" He said back proudly. "Well were just friends?" I said back smiling. He ran his fingers through his hair, "Your kiss tells me differently?" He chuckled. "That was a friendly kiss" I said in defence.

"You love me?" He said. He placed his hand on mine, i took it. Our fingers intertwined and he smiled. "I love your smile" I said without thinking. "I don't want to hurt you?" I said back, letting go of his hand.

"You could never hurt me? Even if you wanted to, it would be a privilege to have my heart broken by you?" He said with a wink. "Don't ever even quote the fault in our stars to me!" I said pointing to him. "I don't want to drag you along my lifeless route" I finished.

"You wouldn't be dragging me along with you. I would be pulling you through a shortcut full of rainbows and unicorns where we can be happy?" He smiled pretty convinced.

"Fine then mr. Espinosa, i'll let you have a crush on me" I said laughing. He kissed my cheek and opened the front door. "Our kiss already did" He laughed. I sighed and began to walk home.

I couldn't help but smile my whole journey home. He was special, and yes matt i do have a crush on you?

Well that was cute,i hope! Sorry its short - I just got home from watching the fault in our stars. The movie is great, but misses a few scenes that are in the book. Still worth going to see? Though i would recommend reading the book first. Anyways so Alli and Matt.. Lemme know what you think? :)

-t :) x

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