Chapter two

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Alex's POV
We make it there just in time to see Laf and Herc sitting in a table by the window. We Join them.
"You are normally early, is everything alright mon ami?" Lafayette asked me worriedly as Thomas and I sat down.
"This dork got me distracted."  I reply smiling at Thomas .
"Ohh, I get that too. It's so hard to focus when Herc is around" Laf says in French looking longingly at Herc. I watch Thomas nod as he looks out the window. Herc looks at Laf, Thomas , and I like were creatures from another planet.
"Would you prefer us to keep it in English?"
"Yeah. I'm the only one at this table that has no clue what you guys say" Herc says looking at Thomas . It's like Thomas is in a trance.
"I heard this place has great Mac and Cheese." I say. He turns around so fast with a look of wonder in his eyes. We finally get menus. Great, a sucky waiter.

Thomas' POV
I'm so out of it. I'm so nervous. I watch the snow fall outside. Today's the day. I text Herc and Laf under the table.
What'd I miss? I have something to tell you guys but you have to promise me not to tell Alex.
Guns and ships What is it mon amie?
HERCULES MULLIGAN what's up man?
What'd I miss I'm going to propose to Alex today.
Guns and ships I have to text Peggy.
HERCULES MULLIGAN good luck Thomas(in a private message) I'm trying to propose to Laffy today too. I'm freaking out.
What'd I miss same Herc, you have to be good at poker.
What'd I miss I can't tell at all. And Laffy hasn't noticed. My brother is awesome at reading faces, good job man.
We look up from our phones to see Alex eyeing us down.
"Put up your phones. I know you're hormonal teens but we're eating." Alex says and Laf nods. We laugh at that.
"What are you texting each other about?" Alex says after taking a bite of his 'brunch'. Laffy nods mid bite.
"What is going on between you two? I don't like secrets mon ami. Especially from you mon amour."  Laf says eying Herc and I down. I share a glance with him then come up with a reply.
"A surprise for the both of you." I say. Herc looks relived.
"I hate surprises" Alex and Laf sigh in unison.
"You'll love the ones we have planned" Herc says as we start eating.
426 words.

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