Thomas's POV
I hold Lexi for a bit longer until it's time for the daddy daughter dance thing. Laf and I watch "I thought it was weird, but I've never seen those two dorks so happy." I tell him and he nods. "Is everything okay? What's wrong Laf?" I ask noticing his silence. "Follow me. I don't want to have this conversation with even a small chance that Alex could hear." He says and starts walking. I follow quickly and we stop in a room. "You realize that there is a heavy chance that baby isn't yours? It messes with me to think about. Will you be there with her if it isn't yours?" He tells me and I stand there stunned. "Yes. Yes I will. I know that it's mine. It's hard to think about too but I know for a fact where and when that kid was conceived and that it was with me." I tell him calmly. Alex and Herc walk past looking for the two of us. "Oh my god there you are! I was so worried! What were you two doing?" Alex looks up at me with those gorgeous eyes. "Talkin' nothing to worry about beautiful." I kiss her and pick her up. Lafayette is staring at me. Oh yeah! Fuck you for that Lafayette! I put her down in the hallway and pin her to the wall gently. "What? What's going on? T-Thomas?!" Alex looks completely confused. "Shhh. We need to talk later but I wanna get a little... romantic." I run my hands down the sides of her waist. I kiss her neck then pick her up and walk again like nothing ever happened. She has her arms around my neck and kisses me roughly. "Can I walk now?" She asks and I put her down. "Can we get a dance from the bride and groom?" The DJ asks and we go over to the dance floor. "You know the song." I tell him.
I sway gently with her and hold her close at the end. "You know the song I picked out?" She asks and I shake my head with a smile.
I smile after we dance to the second song, Alex leans her head against my chest and I kiss her forehead gently. We sway to the next song like that and I hold my amazing wife close. I can't believe I married the love of my life today. She takes my hand and leads me to another room. "You said we need to talk right? What's going on babe?" She asks and I nod. "So Laf told me that... he said... he said that the baby probably isn't mine. I told him that it was, but I'm having doubts." Alex starts to cry as I talk. "No no! It's not like what you're thinking about! I'm gonna stay with ya no matter what, and whoever's baby it is! I tell her and she holds my hand tightly. "I'll get a DNA test, but I think I know exactly when this baby was made. It's yours Thomas. I can tell." She puts her head on my chest and I wrap my arms around her. Herc walks toward us holding a sleeping Luna. Alex takes her and Herc smiles at me. "Treat her right. This is an amazing woman you are looking at. Treat her like one." He tells me. "Will do." I tell him and kiss my wife on the cheek. "Be good to my brother, man. I know you're gettin' married later this week." I tell him. "Aye aye captain." He tells me and Alex giggles. "Lets go home, shall we? Later Herc." I pick my wife up and walk to the car. We dropped our stuff off at home earlier. God I love this woman.

A Jamilton and Mullette Love Story (mpreg?)
FanfictionAlex and Tommy have been together for a while, read this book to find out what secrets will unfold for the two.