Chapter one.

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Hey guys, thanks for reading. This is my first book so stay with me on this one.

Thomas' POV

Alexander and I have been through a lot. We are nearing our third anniversary and I have something really big planned. I think to myself holding the velvet box in the pocket of my purple hoodie. God I hope he says yes. I walk into the kitchen to find Alex making breakfast.
"What's cooking good looking?" I ask him playfully nibbling his neck in the spot I know he loves.
"Morning Tommy. I see you woke up earlier than usual" Alex turns back blushing with a smile. I love that smile.
I think about all the things I love about my boyfriend. His short dark hair, his beautiful smile, his amazing laugh, his perfect body, and those eyes. I could stare into those eyes forever.
"Are you listening?" Alex says with his gorgeous smile, breaking me of my trance.
"Nope, sorry darlin'. Got lost in your eyes." I flirt as I kiss him and grab a plate.
"As I was saying, would you like to go on a double date with Laf and Herc? Alex repeats what he was trying to ask me. I nod my face stuffed. Alex laughed then kissed me on the cheek.

Alexander's POV
I clean up then head to the living room to watch a movie.
"Hey Tommy?"
"Wanna watch a movie?"
"You know your gonna end up crying"
"I still love the movies"
"Alright, but I warned you. If you cry I have to tickle you until you feel better."
"I'm not gonna cry"
I cried. A lot. Shouldn't have picked Bambi.

Tommy's POV
I sat with my arms around Alex, stroking his hair as he cried. Shouldn't have agreed to watch Bambi.
"You said you would tickle me." Alex said looking up at me. I smirked and tickled him. So cute.
"When do we have that date with Laf and Herc?" I asked Alex once he stopped laughing. He looked at the clock.
"In twenty minutes! Oh geez we're gonna be late!" I watched Alex run off to get dressed and I followed to get ready.

348 words.

A Jamilton and Mullette Love Story (mpreg?)Where stories live. Discover now