Chapter Fifteen.

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Another two months go by.
Herc's POV
We snuggle quietly reading books. Mine is about Sewing and Laf's is his English book. He balances his book on his large stomach. There is no way that one baby is in there. He looks up at me and smiles, placing my hand on his bump. Wait... if one is kicking over here, and another kick is coming from over there... I look at Lafayette and we share a glance. I call the doctor and he starts bawling. "I can't do this mon Amour! Two! I've heard stories about how bad Thomas and I were for our mom!" He pauses at his own words. I turn around and hug him gently. His crying gets louder and I call Thomas. "What the hell is going on? Did you leave him?! I swear to god if you did!" Thomas yells. "Just get over here Jefferson." I have never used his last name to talk to him so Laf looks at me stunned. "Y-you only call people that make you angry by their last n-name." He mumbles softly. "It's okay Lafayette. We have to leave for a doctors appointment very soon." I tell him lifting him up and carrying him to the bedroom for him to get dressed. I open the door for Thomas. He looks pissed. "Where's my brother Mulligan?" He smirks. I forgot how much of a jerk he could be. I point to the bedroom and walk away. He's mad at that. Really mad. I hear talking in French which turns to yelling. Lafayette says one thing in English; "Stay away from my family". I look at him stunned. I hear him open and slam his front door. He seems really hurt. Lafayette and I leave to go to the doctor. Once we get home, the four of us cuddle. The twins don't really get a choice yet. We found out the genders so I can have a better grasp of what type of clothes to make for each baby. Our miracles are a boy and a girl. I can't wait to meet them. Lafayette looks at me smiling with happy tears in his eyes. I can barely wait for us to be a family.
374 words.

A Jamilton and Mullette Love Story (mpreg?)Where stories live. Discover now