How you meet (KJ Apa)

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A/N - Hey guys first I'd like to say welcome to my book and thank you for choosing it among the thousands on this site. Enjoy :)



It's a cold winter morning, turning into the kind of day that called for hot chocolate and a Gilmore Girls binge. Shuffling into the kitchen you started the kettle, when you remembered that your flat mate forgot to replace the milk she finished yesterday. Determined to have your perfect winter morning, you got dressed (outfit at the top) and proceeded to the convenient store down the road. As you left the house, you felt the cold crisp air. Goodness I can't imagine having work or  go to classes today. When you went to pay for your stuff, you noticed that there were 3 guys standing in front of you, one of them had been staring at you for a good 2 minutes now. (a red head who you could tell had dyed his hair that way)

"Is there a reason?" You asked

"What?" The one who was staring asked dumbfounded. He has a cool accent

"I asked if there was a reason" You stated slightly more annoyed

"For what?" He asked still confused. I guess the halo effect was a lie.

"You were staring mate" his friend with long dark hair replied as you put your milk on the counter and politely greeted the cashier. You started to make small talk with her when one of the boys tapped your shoulder. It was him, with a sheepish smile on his face that had a hint of mischief behind it. He screamed trouble with his dark daring eyes and you knew this is how he caught girls like you everyday. Not today and not you.

"I'm sorry, I had no idea I was staring. But you can't blame me for staring at a beautiful girl."

"Really?" You asked unimpressed as you handed the cashier money. His words make him sound like things come easy for him, but he's nervous and that's different. Especially for someone who seems as confident as he does.

"What?" He stepped a little closer to you and brushed his hand through his hair. You wanted to ignore him, but that would've made you feel terrible. You turned back to the cashier to pick up your change and you could feel him waiting for an answer behind you.

"Thank you, enjoy the rest of your day." You smiled at the cashier then turned back to the strange foreign man. "It's just," you brushed some dust off his shoulder then continued to speak, "if that's how you come onto girls then your game is pretty weak. Your accent can't do all the work darling." With that you walked out of the store feeling proud of yourself for not falling into another trap with another pretty boy. You heard his friends laughing and jesting at him in the distance and you were happy to leave that interaction in your rear view.

On your way home you felt someone tap your shoulder. "Gosh!" You exclaimed almost hitting him when you turned around to meet the stranger who scared you half to death. "You can't just scare people like that. What do you want?"

It was the guy from the store. He was panting. Wow, he ran after me. "I'm sorry, I didn't catch your name back there"

"That's because I didn't give it to you." Then you whispered under your breath, "Clearly with good reason ."

"Could you?" He asked so kindly, not hearing what you had muttered. Somehow you couldn't bring yourself to stay mad, but maintained enough wherewithal to not flirt back. How could you say no to a face like this?

 How could you say no to a face like this?

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"Just as beautiful as I'd imagined. I'm KJ," he seemed to get a little nervous like whatever he said next would scare you off. "Y/N if I asked for your number would that be considered too forward?" He was relying a lot less on his charms and more on an endearing demeanor. If this was an intentional pivot, it had you feeling a little more open to his advances. Enough to say,

"Why not? I may never see you again." As you hand him your phone

"Thanks." He said as you put your number in his phone.

"Anything for the boy from down under" You said mimicking his accent. Quite terribly at that.

"Actually I'm..." He started

"From New Zealand" you said in unison. He looked shocked that you knew that.

"I can tell the difference rugby boy." You returned to your route home when he gently took your hand in his forcing you to stop in your tracks. His hands were large and warm like the gloves you wish you didn't leave in the apartment. You didn't want him to let go but you also didn't want to give him any ideas. He's cute and seems sweet but no way were you letting him reel you in.

"Can I walk you wherever you're going?" He looked so sincere in his delivery of the question and you cursed your attraction to boys like him. Why did you look back? He wasn't holding you hostage, you could've walked away but you stayed.

"Sure why not?" He beamed at your response and held your hand with a firm grip, one that affirmed his intentions with you and you wanted to be scared but there was something about him. He quickly fell into stride with you, as if he had done it a thousand times before asking.

"So how did you know I like rugby? And what do you even know about the sport?"

"You're wearing an All Blacks cap, call it a lucky guess." 

"Rugby isn't that big here so who coerced you into that?"

"I'm South African so rugby is kind of the sport to support or you're just not patriotic."

"My friend, Madelaine's  mom would love you."


"Mad's mom is South African and she's a huge. Springboks fan." You chuckled at his attempt to pronounce Springboks and he lightly nudged you for teasing. A short comfortable silence fell between you two as the crisp winter air brushed past you. All you could hear was the sound of yours and KJ's feet hitting the pavement in sync, before you broke the silence.

"So what does KJ stand for?" You asked, looking up at him for the first time since you agreed to walk with him. It wasn't fair, this pompous stranger was actually charming you.

"Keneti James, it's Samoan." You got to know each other more as he walked you home. Like how he's basically Samoan royalty and that you have to watch a show called Riverdale because he plays the iconic role of Archie Andrews.

Stopping just outside the building's main entrance a part of you really wanted to invite him in but there was no way the apartment was boy ready. So you thanked him for walking you home and hoped he'd call. When you got into your apartment you were really glad your housemate forgot to buy milk on her way back from uni yesterday.

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