He Has A Crush On You Part 2 (Tom Holland)

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"Hey, Tom Holland! You're amazing dude. I told Y/N that you were my favourite Spider-Man." Tom couldn't believe his ears. What was Giveon doing here? Today of all days.

Sadly he know what the answer to that question was, he just didn't want to admit it...

"Thanks mate." He started plastering a fake smile on his face. "I'm a big fan too, Y/N's always playing your music in the trailer. I had no idea you guys were dating." He trailed off

"Yeah, we're both pretty quiet about it." Yeah too quiet apparently.  Tom saw you walking eagerly towards him and Giveon and his heart sank to the bottom of the ocean at how your eyes glowed and you had a skip in your step. It was all for Giveon, you couldn't even act that happy to see him.

"Hey, you made it," you said planting a kiss on Giveon's cheek and snuggling up to him as you said, "thanks for coming by. It's nice having you around."

"I'll see you out there." Tom said in a low tone, his mood now visibly changed. You were wrapped up in Giveon but still noticed Tom wasn't okay, so you gave your boyfriend a kiss and one last longing glance before asking him to wait in your trailer.

"Hey what's up with Tom?" You asked, walking over at Harry.

"He might kill me for this but here goes..." he takes a deep breath, rolls his shoulders back and finally exhales. "He has a thing for you."

"I'm so sorry Haz, I really didn't know." You were shocked to say the absolute least. How could you not tell? Were you so self involved? How were you gonna finish the movie? Oh God. Harry steps closer and reaches a comforting hand to your shoulder.

"It's not your fault Y/N. I think you should let it be."

"I should at least talk to him." You said lightly placing your hand over his, he responds with a light nod and you head back to your trailer.

"Hey babe." Giveon calls to you as you walked past the trailer instead of towards it. "What's wrong?"

"I'm not sure I should tell you..." you responded, refusing to meet his gaze. You hadn't even noticed how absently you were walking through the lot until then. This is your first acting job and it's all so complicated now. You saw Giveon's feet enter your field of vision and tensed up knowing he wasn't gonna let you walk away from this one

"Y/N... what's going on?" He said lightly lifting your chin with his index finger. You still couldn't meet his eyes but you also couldn't lie.

"Someone just told me something that might make things awkward." Hearing this caused him to start soothing you but gently rubbing your shoulders.

"Now I'm worried. Talk to me."

"Tom has a crush on me."

"Oh... wow..." He looks stunned, his hands frozen on your shoulders and you start to see him process what that all means now.

"I see the wheels turning in your head." You say caressing his cheek. A part of you hoped it would get him to finally move a little. He steps back and starts pacing, while scratching his head.

"I'm not jealous. I'm also not shocked but, yeah it's weird."

"Yeah, I also felt a bit weird about it. I guess the worst part for him is that I thought I told him about you but turns out I had actually told Timmy so..." he sighed in exasperation and steps back in arms reach.

"You need to talk to him."

"I know." You lean up and embrace him, taking comfort in his warmth. He held you tight and placed a light kiss on the nape of your neck. You finally let go and head to Tom's trailer with a little more confidence. Standing in front of the door you knock and gently opened the door.

"Hey Tom."

"Hey, you can come in." He was sitting in the corner of the trailer on a little pillow fort he built on the floor.

"Thanks, uhm... Harry told me something that I think we should talk about." You said sitting on his couch.

"Okay..." he hesitantly sits up straight, signalling you to continue.

"I know you have a thing for me." He jumps to his feet, and starts scraping his head.

"What? No! He must be thin-"

"I'm not here to make things awkward Tom. I swear it. Please just be honest with me." You stand up reaching for his arm. You can see in his eyes that he wants to concede, so he does relaxing his body and sitting down on his couch.

"Yeah, I do have a little crush and it has kept me a little distracted but it doesn't mean anything Y/N." You sit down next to him and place comforting hand on his shoulder blade.

"I'm not mad, and Giveon isn't mad eith-"

"You already told him? Before coming to me?"

"Tom he asked, and I will not lie to my boyfriend." You noticed hurt in his eyes and mentally face palmed "Sorry..."

"It's fine, your honesty is part of the reason we're in this mess." He is too good for this world. "Look Y/N, I like you. It's inconvenient but it is what it is."

"Okay so how do we move from here then?"

"You came here to get that out of me and you don't actually have a plan?" He asks, a small smile forming on his face. Its in that moment you know it's all gonna be okay.

"You're usually the man with a plan." You say nudging him lightly.

"I think you're confusing me with Tim again."

"That was low."

"Why don't we just go back to where we started. Now that we've cleared the air it'll be easier right?"


"Great." You hear a familiar voice say from behind you and Tom.


"Hey, I may have said I wasn't jealous but you're still Spider-Man Tom." He said reaching over you dap Tom

"He does have a point there Y/N." He replied standing up and embracing Giveon in a bro hug.

"Our truce isn't even a minute old and you two are ganging up on me?." You accused a smile clearly plastered on your faces This is what you imagined it'd be like between them and all it took was a super awkward conversation.

It didn't change overnight but, you and Tom eventually found a rhythm and by the time the press tour came around you 2 were thick as thieves. Not to mention, he finally made it out the friendzone with his MJ...

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